Thursday, August 28, 2008

They're Hoppin' to Get Poppin'!

Take a gander at Big Bear, Shark Boy, and Uncle Lynn, Sharing The Pop'rs Love early this summer at the Institute of Food Technologists trade show in New Orleans. The trio showed The Biggest Names in Food How to Get Poppin'! Smile, Boys!!

And, speaking of Pop'rs, it's time to enter our Great New Pop'rs Giveaway! Share that Comment Love and win you some of the most delightful, fun and nutritious seasonings around!

BTW, three--Count 'Em!--of our Bloggy Friends are Singing the Praises of Pop'rs!

Hoagie, The Coach over at DC Sports Plus--and also our only Giveaway Winner of the Male Variety so far--loves him some Pop'rs! Here's what he had to say:

"Try this Product!" Hoagie enthuses. "I recently won a contest where I received two flavors of Pop'rs. Pop'rs are essentially awesome-tasting, good-for-you Pop Rocks that you sprinkle on foods. They're mostly marketed toward families (so moms can get their kids to eat their veggies), but with my two flavors (Chocolate and Taco), I can add both flavor and nutritional value to my ice cream and Ramen Noodles. They're really worth trying out...To borrow the catchphrase from Pringles: Once You Pop'r...well nevermind."

Lula, Our Gal over at Lulaville, cooked her up a DyNaMite Dish the other day and added Pop'rs to the recipe. "Buffalo-flavored Pop'rs enhance chicken casserole. Delish! Thanks, Veggie Mom!" Lula's also the one who's trying to convince Uncle Lynn to e-mail Ellen DeGeneres to Get Poppin' with Pop'rs on The Dancin' Queen's show. Lula has all kinds of ideas to get that to happen. She's So Enthusiastic, that we Just. Might. Do. It. "Why aren't y'all on Ellen yet?" Lula wants to know. We're workin' on it, gal!

Mannequin, who is anything but at Fractured Toy, placated Mr. Man the other day with a Strong Dose of Pop'rs. Uncle Lynn's fun seasoning came to the rescue over at Mannequin's place.

"And have you tried Pop'rs?" Mannequin asks. "I was lucky enough to win some a couple months ago (Thanks, Veggie Mom!) and I'm greedy enough to enter for another giveaway! They were a big hit here! Mr. Man loves his chocolate milk but is VERY picky about which brand. Having run out one morning, I popped into my cupboard and popped out my Pop'rs (yes, very clever, huh?). Mr Man loved it! We used Taco on tacos and then per Uncle Lynn's suggestion, we used it on corn ( I added diced red peppers to mine also. Yum). We loved every one of the eight flavors; this is a giveaway you don't want to miss! The ColorBurst came in handy this weekend again! I had only plain vanilla yogurt in the fridge and wanted a treat. What better to use than my Pop'rs? What a yummy treat!"

Thanks to everyone who's been Sharing the Comment Love! You're all So Dear to our Little Ol' Bloggy Hearts. *Group Hug*!


sassy stephanie said...

We just got our order in the mail today...but don't take me out of that contest!!! LOL

We made cinnamon toast right away for an afternoon snack. One piece of toast down, and my girls wanted to try strawberry on their bread. They loved it!

Dawn said...

I want to be in your contest! Enter me! Enter me!

Rhea said...

Ok, I'll enter. Sounds like I should try them.

Ritch in Love said...

I need to order some Popr's I've decided!

Unknown said...

so i already entered your giveaway last week, and i really want to win. hurry, up september 5...i wanna try these popr's!!!