Somewhere along the line, I remember learning that delayed gratification was a good thing.
But I've always been a more immediate gratification kind of girl.
There are lots of examples...why wait to get home to a nice dinner when you can have a Snickers right now? Or why study, when you can go out with friends right now?
Or why save money when there's $50 burning a hole in my pocket right now? You get my drift.
But there is one instance when I'm all about delayed gratification...Fall! Because when you plant a handful of these right now...

six months from now, you'll be rewarded with a display like this...

or even this...

The weather here has been so cold and grey, it's set some kind of record. But tomorrow is supposed to be one of those magical, bright blue sky, nip in the air days that are too few in northern Wisconsin. And there won't be many of them, either. And then all winter, I'll be thinking about my treasures, waiting in the frozen ground, to finally come up and announce that spring has sprung. So, if you can stand a little delayed gratification...
Get out there and plant...and one more thing...POINTY END UP!
Those are some gorgeous tulips! I have yet to plant a bulb that the rabbits haven't eaten as soon as it popped up. But I did clean out my garden and divide some things, which was definitely and exercise in delayed gratification. We had that weather today--heavenly! Enjoy!!
I once got some bulbs when I was little and planted them in the backyard where there was no grass. There was no grass because it was always trampled on, never got watered and didn't have any nutrients in the soil. So obviously, I never saw the fruits of my labor (labor meaning, digging a small hole and sticking them in the ground.
Sad story, I know, especially after looking at your photos.
You so tempt me to try, but I will have mercy on flower bulbs because I have the blackest thumb ever and anything I touch is doomed to die!
Deanna, that's why I love bulbs. Plant 'em and walk away. There are no plants in my house because they are not able to get their own water! It is so worth it! Start small...
I love the saying "Gardening is like saying you believe in tomorrow":-)
Oh yes, we'll be doing the daffodil and crocus's this week! Can't wait!!!
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