But the NFL and the players are acknowledging, all month long, the battle so many women and their families are fighting against breast cancer. Look for the pink in tonight's game. Word is that Brett's shoes will be pink. His wife, Deanna, is a breast cancer survivor. And that's the real battle. After all, football is just a game. And in the midst of all the hype, that's a good reminder.

Deanna Favre, breast cancer survivor

What a GREAT reminder to us about what is important:-)
LOVED the pink cleats they wore last nite, too! I think that was the BEST thin about the game, don't you?
Favre for the Cure
Yeah, but I loved Brett being Brett! He was outstanding. Will make the Nov. 1 game at Lambeau all the more exciting. What if he takes the Vikings to the Super Bowl? And why can't we protect Aaron Rodgers? If he gets hurt...
Yes the real fight is against cancer.
I am also wondering why so many sacks. You do need more than a quarterback to win.
Glad you could find some enjoyment in the game! That's exactly what I said--we got to see Favre be Favre. Glad you pointed out the thing of REAL importance in the game!
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