Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Making the Ocean Safer... shark at a time!

The POPrs crew went on a Florida panhandle vacation last week. The trip was strictly guys-only.

They hung out in the sun, smoked cigars, ate oysters, talked smart and shark-fished. There may have been some adult beverages involved, also! All in all, it was a great bonding, team-building experience. And based on the number of sharks caught, they are all rethinking ever swimming there again!


The Redhead Riter said...

Wow! That is really cool! Shark steaks...yummmmmmmm

Susie said...

Wow!! That's awesome:-)

Aunt Julie said...

Redhead you have cooking instructions? They caught 20 sharks, threw some back, but have a cooler full of meat!

Tracy P. said...

Holy shark's tooth, Batman! I'm speechless. And slightly envious of your very quiet week. Did you suggest the male bonding expedition?

Melissa B. said...

Sends chills up and down my spine...hope you find a few recipes soon!