Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste!

Been running around crazy all week, trying to tidy up things at work and launch a Great New Adventure over the weekend. Well, an adventure for ME, anyway! Going to visit my peeps at college for a few days. Buy them some groceries, take them out to eat, and generally do a little mothering, for a change.

In all the hustle and the bustle, though, I seem to have misplaced something. I was doing a little blog-hopping the other day, and noticed that a Dear Bloggy Friend had left me some bling. Of course, wanting to be supportive and all, I planned to post the bling this weekend. I even wrote the award down, with the link, so I could give proper credit. And then promptly recycled the sheet of paper on which I'd noted all this important info.

Went back to my desk last night, to prepare a pretty post. No note, no nothing. And my brain is so fried that I can't, at the moment, remember who blinged me with what.

So, if you're a giving person, as all my Bloggy Friends are, and you're reading this, please take pity on me! Leave me a comment, tell me of how much you love me, and remind me that I'm not such a bad person, after all. And if you decide to rescind my bling, so be it.


Blog Stalker said...

It is just a testament at how popular you and poprs have become. I didn't bling you but am sure nobody thinks of you as a bad person.

Have a great day!

Stacy Uncorked said...

You can rest assured that you are not alone...I've done that very same thing! I haven't had a chance to acknowledge some awards and I'm sure the people that gave them to me think I totally don't appreciate the mind the first thing to go or the second? (GRIN!!!) :)

Have a great weekend - I'm sure your peeps are going to appreciate the groceries and the mothering! :)

Pam said...

Thanks for the chuckle! I feel this way quite often.

Ritch in Love said...

I came over to pick up that cake recipe! Going to make it today! happy saturday!

Mrs4444 said...

I can TOTALLY relate! For some reason, yesterday, I could not even finish reading my own post, let alone anyone else's, because I was just WIPED OUT! Hearing your weekend plans warms my heart; that will be us in a few years. Good luck getting your memory back.... :)

Tara R. said...

Have a great time on your college kid roadtrip. Mine will be home for the summer by the end of the month. Woohoo! Be safe!

Congrats on the bling!

Michelle said...

LOL! Don't feel bad. I constantly forget who such things.

Michelle said...

I'm impressed that you wrote it all down to begin wiht. Forget the recycling part. You're already two steps ahead of me most time, I think! I've been so bad although I have the best of intentions where it comes to awards! Enjoy the chance to mother!

Marrdy said...

Wow, I did this when I received a prize. I hope it's not that old notion that you start to loose your marbles when your age increases!