Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don't Be Shy!

I, like many of my Bloggy Brethren, have a stat counter, which spews data at me every week. Since I'm not much of an expert, I really don't know what to make of all the referrals, entry clicks and exit clicks, but I do know page views. And I average, in any given week, about 96 page views a day; close to 700 in any given week.

Whew! To hear the experts tell it, that's a lot of traffic! But one thing I don't really understand...why would someone visit a site like mine, digest its content, then slink away without commenting?

If my stat counter is to be believed, oodles of people visit
Eat Your Veggies! So, I have a pretty basic question: Why all the "lurkers" out there?

As you probably know, a lurker is one who hangs out at a blog, but doesn't comment. I'm not sure how the "professional" blogging world views lurking, but I guess I just don't understand the need for anonymity.

OK, I understand if my posts are tedious; if they're silly; if they're just plain uninteresting. But I'd like to think I create posts that are at least mildy bright, if not downright sparkling.

But the comments? They're just not coming. A recent snapshot proves my point. Monday: 9 comments; Tuesday: 9 comments; Wednesday (A "theme" day, with
Angie's Wordful Wednesday): 19 comments; Thursday: 8 comments.

During that same time period, I had visitors from Oregon, Indiana, California, Arkansas, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Nevada, Virginia and Florida, to name a few. And don't forget the international traffic: Canada, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Mexico, Germany and, of course, Unknown. But I guess we don't know if Unknown is an international or a domestic visitor, do we?

My questions to you are these: Am I doing something wrong, or are bloggers basically shy people at heart? Is there something else I should be doing that I'm not? Why are all these visitors lurking in the shadows of cyberspace?

Hey, I'm a friendly gal. And I'm still pretty new at this Blogging Business. So, please ~ suggest, offer, push and insist with me. I won't take offense. If there's one thing I've learned in my life, I'm really good at responding to constructive criticism.

Nana taught me that it's impolite not to have a "welcoming" atmosphere in one's home. Well, my red (cyber) carpet is out. I'd love for you to leave a comment. Pretty please?


Unknown said...

well i think you're friendly but then i always try to leave a comment because my nana taught me it wasn't polite to visit without saying hello!!! thank you for being one of my loyal commenters... i have the same situation on my blog!!! if you figure out the answer... please share!!! xox.... annie

Melissa B. said...

I have to say that I'm occasionally guilty of lurking, but I'm pretty much a de-lurker now. I share your frustrations, though. I agree with Annie totally, too! Let me know if you crack the code. BTW, don't forget today's Sx3. Celebrating All Things Cherry Blossoms!

Richard Lawry said...

There are many lurkers, and often I am one of them. I too am intrigued by the stats on my blog. I know for myself a lot of the time it is time that prevents me from commenting. Even when my time is short, there are a number of blogs that i want to read, so I lurk about. It will be interesting to see how many comments you get on this post.

I have no way of knowing, but I think there are a lot of lurkers who never leave comments on any blog.

An Arkies Musings

Claremont First Ward said...

I try to always comment because I feel like a voyeur when I don't. Plus, I love comments, too.

The whole commenting thing is a MYSTERY to me. I have a good blogging friend who has funny, cute, short, concise posts all the time. She'll get maybe 10 comments, yet she regularly has about 400 visits a day. I think Scribbit is a good example of this. She has OODLES of visits each day (I think about 60K a month, yet I don't see tons of comments per post). So, I can't help you here, just tell you it's a mystery to me, too. :)

Tracy P. said...

I obviously haven't solved that mystery. I will say that I probably only comment on a third to a half of all the posts I visit, simply because I'm constantly trying to read "just one more!..." before I move on to what I should really be doing. Sometimes the "what I should be doing" comes and finds me before I can finish!!

Corey~living and loving said...

I think time is an issue for lots of us. I know I read your blog, but don't comment too often. I have over 100 blogs I like to read, but I also work full time, and have a family, so....often I read, but don't get a chance to comment.

Susie said...

I hear it's the clicks that matter but comments are soooo great!! I hear you if ask questions you get more comments?????

Mrs4444 said...

Just checking in.... Have a great week! :)

Shannon said...

I've been guilty of lurking around the blogosphere, too... oops! (I've also been guilty about falling behind on returning the comment love... double oops!)

What Susie mentioned about asking a question has worked for me! I've found I do get more comments if I end my post with a question... its weird, but it works!

Kathleen W. said...

To be honest, I'm simply lazy. I like to read posts, and then I get distracted or just don't feel like typing, but would rather just use the mouse. And I'm not referring to your site but many blogs I visit!

I'm also the kind of person that enjoys listening to people talk at a party, and not saying basically, I'm not an idea blog visitor. So there's nothing you're doing wrong, you're very nice and friendly. Keep on keepin' on!

Michelle said...

Yeah... I have the same issue except of course that my views aren't quite that high. But I suppose that as long as I'm entertaining someone, I'm kinda ok with not being showered in love but I want my love too! ;)

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I don't know... I get a much smaller number of comments than page views, too. I try to comment at every site I visit because it seems like the polite thing to do. Maybe some lurkers don't have blogs so they don't know?

Just Lisa said...

Yes, I also average 100 hits a day, but it's a good day if I get over 10 comments. Perhaps I'm not writing anything worth commenting about? It's pretty hard to come up with entertaining material every day!

Keri said...

Good questions. Why the heck does it have to be such a mystery? I think this lurking business holds true for a big portion of bloggy land. I mean, I know I have the same issue. So many hits, so few comments. And why? Who knows...

wenderful said...

I agree. Where do all these people come from and who are they? I love commenters. Thanks for being such a good one. :)

Marrdy said...

Maybe it's the weather. I have noticed that I don't get many comments either. And folks that I thought were loyal readers don't leave comments either. But that said, I think you are very friendly and who wouldn't want to leave you a comment? You're the best.

Candid Carrie said...

I am a reader and a very seldom commenter. I know, shame on me. I do most of my blog reading through Google Reader which leaves no trace of me in your stats at all!

And I think Unknown is in located up nort' somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Same here. I look at the stats and say, wha??? I look at the comments and say, pitiful.