Saturday, May 9, 2009

Six-Word Saturday: Brett Favre Teams Up with Uncle Lynn!

I have two entries in Six-Word Saturday today. First, I'd like to congratulate the winner of the POPrs Give It Away Now Giveaway:

The Winner Is...Stacy's Random Thoughts!

Stacy wins a box of POPrs ~ all eight flavors ~ that fun and nutritious seasoning, which encourages you to Eat Your Veggies! Please e-mail me, Stacy, at, with your contact info, and Uncle Lynn will get your prize right out to ya!

And now, to the matter at hand, and the title of this post.

No, he didn't. But if Brett Favre had teamed up with my BIL, that would have been a million times better than the rash decision he was considering. I couldn't imagine Football Season starting so early this year, but here is my Second Series of Six Words, brought to you by Cate at Show My Face:

What were you thinking, Brett Favre?

You heard from me when Brett became a Jet. And again, when the Packers lost. And lost again. And then lost several more times. We even brought you the Cheesehead Pope, for cryin' out loud!

But rumor had it the other day that Brett was thinking about talking to the dreaded Minnesota Vikings.

The rumors turned out to be untrue. Unless everything changes again tomorrow, as it often does with Mr. Favre. It's getting increasingly difficult to like the guy. And I used to be such a fan!

Moker said he wouldn't watch Brett if he became a Viking. No offense to my Minnesota Bloggy Brethren, but that's how intense the Packer-Viking rivalry is.

The Wild One, meanwhile, tried to angle the other day for a Number 4 Vikings Jersey with Brett's name on the back, although she says she remains a loyal Packers Fan.

With no Vikings in his future, I hope Brett retires ~ for good ~ to his farm down in Mississippi this year. That way I won't have to choose. Or loose any more money to the NFL Pro Shop ~ that kid of mine has expensive taste!


Tracy P. said...

Moker and I are in total agreement on this one. ;-) The Vikings don't need ONE MORE distraction from figuring out how to put together a winning team that can stay the course. Seriously Brett, go hunting this fall!

Aunt Julie said...

The radio station here was all abuzz with Brett again. People have such vehement views! It was like a discussion on abortion. A very sensitive issue for us here in the Frozen Tundra (today it'll top out in the low 50's). Had he retired a Packer, his legacy would not be the mess it will be now. He will be remembered for "waffling" as much as for his amazing arm, leadership and his ability to snatch victory from the jaws of certain defeat. And that's too darn bad. But he's still a hottie!

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

HI, just stopping by from SITS. Nice place you have here!

Tara R. said...

Congrats to Stacy. Sorry to hear about all the Favre Drama out your way, hope it's settled before the first kickoff.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Wow! I'm so excited! After the week I had, this totally made my day! :) Thanks so much - an email is on its way... ;)

I always thought Brett Favre should have just stayed retired - with the debacle that became of that whole scenario when he changed his mind a few months later, he should have just stayed retired and left on a 'high'...granted he did fairly well after that, but not even close to the 'star' he was with the Packers. Like Aunt Julie mentioned, 'Had he retired a Packer, his legacy would not be the mess it will be now.' I agree! With everything he and his family have been through over the years, maybe now is the perfect time to retire for good and enjoy his family time. :)

Call Me Cate said...

Isn't it aggravating when your sports people don't cooperate? I don't follow football much but I've heard his name a lot this week. Usually muttered under someone's breath.

Thanks for playing!

Susie said...

Brett is dead to me. I heard today that he sent his shoulder x-rays to the Vikings and if he doesn't need surgery, he is signing. Whatever!

Carma Sez said...

Congrats to Stacy on her win! And I don't know much about football so I'd better not contribute to the discussion :D

Michelle said...

Oh I'm with ya... as a Vikings fan, I'm not really all that excited about the "opportunity" but you know it won't happen. Whatever direction he's leaning... you know it will never end up that way by the start of the season.

Marrdy said...

What is he thinking??