This little guy is a ghost crab. He blends in really well with the sand. It's fun to go out on a the beach at night with flashlights and look for these guys. They scuttle into their holes when they see you coming. And THESE guys...

are what we had for dinner. DELICIOUS! Enjoy your week. I'll take care of things at the beach! By the way, the reading is going great. Thanks for all the suggestions you gave me in my Great Everybody Wins Poprs Giveaway!
I'd already read My Sister's Keeper, thank you very much. And I loved it, too. Didn't see the ending coming, either. I have another Jody Piccoult book, but forgot it at home.
More about books later. And hey, all you winners, remember to let us know how the Poprs went over! Enjoy!
I love me some crab!
Love getting crabby at the beach!
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