OK, stop me here if I seem to be getting too carried away. But this is an interesting service, of which you might wish to avail yourself as the holidays approach.A British retailer is providing a gift-wrapping service to customers that smacks a little of "loving hands at home." If Jason or the Texas Chainsaw guy were doing the wrapping, that is.Firefox.com hired a couple dozen forklift operators and warehouse assistants to head up its newly formed "CrapWrap" division. If you feel, after watching this video, that your chain has been yanked, then, yes, Virginia, people still pull practical jokes in the Christmas Season, and charge a pretty penny, too!As one forklift operator-turned-gift-wrapper explained, "I am rubbish. We're not given any instructions. I'm just asked to make a hash of it using lots of brown tape and making sure there are rips and untidy folds. It's nice to get away from the normal work: cleaning, packing and moving stuff around. Wrapping is a good distraction." More than 500 folks have hired out this gift-wrapping service since it opened its doors last week.Please be patient with this Brit Vid...you have to watch a short promo before delving into the "meat" of things, as it were...Get it? They're "butchering" the job!
i bet sometimes even the elves go postal :).
That was cute. I love the word "rubbish"... :D Happy Monday!
Oh, this is a hoot!
Awww, how sweet of people to think of those they love over the holidays and ummm want to impress them? I'm with the old guy :) It's about the personal touch ;) Those poor bewildered people they interviewed!
I don't get why you would pay something to wrap a package badly? Weird.
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i bet sometimes even the elves go postal :).
That was cute. I love the word "rubbish"...
:D Happy Monday!
Oh, this is a hoot!
Awww, how sweet of people to think of those they love over the holidays and ummm want to impress them? I'm with the old guy :) It's about the personal touch ;) Those poor bewildered people they interviewed!
I don't get why you would pay something to wrap a package badly? Weird.
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