One year two year
red year blue year.
Black year blue year
old year new year.
One might have a little star
One might feature a new car
Say! What a lot of years there are.
Yes. Some were red. And some were blue.
Just ask George Bush, and Obama, too!
Some were sad.
And some were glad.
And some years were you
very, very bad?
Why were they sad and glad and bad?
I do not know.
I've asked my Dad.
We learned to read with your silly fish
your zany Whos, and with Horton, too.
We followed the antics
of those who did that:
The Sneetches, The Grinch
and The Cat in The Hat.
So we'd like to wish you
48 hours late
the birthday of birthdays,
you just are so great!
'Cause young children still read
to remember your day.
Green Eggs and Ham
just won't go away!
It's hard to believe
you're one hundred and five.
When we read your short books
you're most surely alive!
So, please, take this poem
for what it is worth
we all wanted to remember
the day of your birth!
Veggie Mom! How Seussical! Can I expect an original poem on MY birthday? Or will you wait til I'm 105 too?
You rock, Veggie Mom!! My Seuss fave is "Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?"
"Just tell yourself, Ducky, you're really quite lucky!
Some people are much more, oh ever so much more, oh muchly much much more unlucky than you!"
That is awesome!!
Very cute and clever. I enjoyed it oodles!
You've got the Seuss-sense, Veggie Mom!
From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!
that was pretty cool glad I stopped by today!
Very nice! Our local paper had a contest for entries like this. I think Mr. Geisel would have liked it.
Oh my gosh. You could be Dr Suess. What a great poem. Totally Awesome!!
That was awesome! You are quite talented!
This poem is just terrific! We love Dr. Seuss!
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