Thanks, BTW, to the SITS Girls for hosting the Spring Fling. We can truthfully say that A Good Time was Had by All!
In the meantime, you know that Uncle Lynn and Veggie are hosting another Giveaway this week, right? It features Pop'rs Prizes AND a $100 Tar-Jay Gift Card! For more info on that, Click Here. And don't forget to comment on all of my posts this week, for more entries!
Now, Veggie Mom, being the ever-vigilant SIL, wants to commemorate Aunt Julie's Birthday today, with a little ditty she penned just for the Pop'rs Queen. Sorry I didn't bake a cake, Julie Eliz...but this Faux-Veggie Cake's good enough, isn't it?
Ode to Aunt Julie,
On the Occasion
of Her Big Day!
There once was an Auntie named Jules
who often chose to break the rules;
and gardened and raked,
as if trained at the finest of schools.
She had a SIL name of Vee
who wrote verse with profoundest of glee;
Vee wrote and she wrote
'til she had a whole boat-
load of limericks, most worthy, for free!
Vee picked up her good friend, named Jammin'
the times they had always were slammin'.
Although Jules had not met
Jay, Vee thought she could get
these two together, no scammin'!
So Vee got a birthday-type cake
from Google, don't make a mistake;
The cake featured carrots, beans, peas,
and strawberries, you see;
fruits and veggies won't cause bellyache.
You probably must realize by now
Jules' birthday is here, oh and how!
So the Vee and the Jay
will come over to play
with Aunt Julie, please take you a bow!
Jules requested a poem for today
like the one that Seuss got, but say, hey!
I just don't have all the brain
power, it is such a drain
to create silly verses all day.
So we are here partly to say
that Aunt Julie's the Girl of the Day.
She doesn't have Seuss
but could this be a deuce
of a present to celebrate her birthday?
Please check out Wordful Wednesday, over at Seven Clown Circus. Also, this Birthday Poem was penned not just for Aunt Julie, but for the Random Complexity Writing Challenge: 219 Words!
I came over to leave a comment for another entry in the St. Pat's Giveaway...
and what do I find but a nice surprise!
And Happy Birthday to Aunt Julie :)
Happy, Happy Birthday Aunt Julie:-)
All the best, Aunt Julie...and Happy B-day, too!
Happy B-day to Aunt Julie!
Please stop by my blog, Eat at Home and leave a comment today. Each comment is worth $1 for the Global Food Crisis fund and all you have to do is comment. SITS girls are great at that!
Happy Birthday, Aunt Julie!!! Have a great day!
Oh and congrats to Shannon!
I was looking at that cake again...carrot cake, I presume? If that's not the best way to eat your veggies, I don't know what is! YUMMM!
THANKS for all the bday wishes, and the poem, too. Veggie Mom, your daughters are coming for dinner tonight, and Uncle Lynn is cmoing home from Florida early.
Strawberry shortcake all around!
Love that cake.
I was going to ask how you got that cake... and now I know :) Very cool. And Happy Birthday to Aunt Julie! Great poem.
What a fun cake Love it.
Happy Birthday Aunt Julie and a great big congratulations to Shannon!
Way to go Jammin'. What a wonderful giveaway hostess you are.
Big Birthday Wishes to Aunt Julie!
What a cute cake...I wish I were that talented!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Great pic as always;)
Lovely poem.
Congrats to the Spring FLing winner, too bad it was not me :(
Congratulations to the winner!
Happy Birthday Aunt Julie!
What a fun poem, Veggie Mom! Very thoughtful for Aunt Julie's birthday.
Happy Birthday! Cute cake!
Happy belated Birthday to Aunt Julie!!! I love the cake. It looks so delish!!!
Happy b-day to Aunt Julie! What a great b-day cake!!
What a nice poem! Great job =)
Happy Birthday!
When Irish eyes are smiling,
Tis like a morn in spring.
With a lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing
When Irish hearts are happy
All the world is bright and gay
When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, they steal your heart away.
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