I first heard about the Campaign to Save Ratchet from Z's Mom. Sgt. Gwen Beberg befriended puppy Ratchet while serving in Iraq, and sent regular dispatches to her home in Minneapolis charting the dog's process, with hundreds of fans tuning in on Facebook to follow the pup's life. But the US Army takes a strict line on soldiers befriending animals, and confiscated Ratchet just as Sgt. Beberg was getting ready to fly home last weekend. To keep Ratchet with his new "Mommy" and allow him to live (the military usually executes pets found under these circumstances), please Sign the Petition to Save Ratchet. Also, please consider donating to Operation Baghdad Pups, which tries to rescue animals such as Ratchet.
Today's the last day for Amanda's Pop'rs Giveaway! One winner will win a Box of Pop'rs, containing eight delicious flavors of this oh-so-good-for-you-seasoning! Try Buffalo on chicken!Chocolate in milk! Raspberry on cereal! Butter on potatoes! Strawberry on ice cream! Taco on cut corn!Color Burst in yogurt! Cinnamon on applesauce! Pop'rs are the Healthy Way to encourage you and yours to Eat Your Veggies!
The Secret IS in the Sauce!

Thanks so much to Heather and Tiffany, who are the Head Honchos over at The Secret is in the Sauce. SITS hosted a day-long Blogathon yesterday, with lots and lots of Awesome Prizes. No word yet on whether Veggie Mom's a Winner, but let the chips fall as they may--we still had
loads and loads of fun! Thanks, thanks and More Thanks to those of you who stopped by yesterday to Share the Comment Love!

Lizzy for President!
Remember, everyone--Hot Tub Lizzy is Running for President! Support The Plaid Party and check out Lizzy's Latest Interview today with Melissa B., The Scholastic Scribe. Talk about a Hoot-and-a-Half! 

I can totally understand the Army's stand on animals, but understand the bonds that form also. How hard! I will follow this story for sure.
Loved the Lizzy interview!
Have a great day!
I am a sucker for dogs...Hope she gets to keep Ratchet!
I'm a animal lover and this broke my heart. I signed the petition!
I signed the petition! I can't believe they are going to kill the dog.
I am glad my husband was in the Navy!
I read that Ratchet story earlier today and I think the least the Army could do in return for someone SERVING OUR COUNTRY is to let them bring a dog back!
I signed the petition, too! Fie on those Army Meanies! Seriously, who would be so cruel as to separate a woman from her doggy? Hasn't the Good Sgt. Beberg done enough for the rest of us already?
I am going to check out the petition. That is really a sad story! We are loving the Pop'rs! I am going to use them on some picky eaters this weekend!
Signed the peition for Ratchet...the thought of him losing a good family breaks my heart!
Whoo, you have a lot going on today. I'm an Air Force sister and that really stikes a chord with me.
Thanks for dropping in to MA on my BATW day!
How sad :(.
Poor puppies.
I've got so much to say...that I can't say anything.
Aww I hope she gets to bring Ratchet home! That's so great of you to use your blog to help her out.
If the symptoms of blog hangover are randomly seeing word verification boxes, having a small occasional cramp in wrist throughout the day and suffering from lack of new emails, than yeah, I'm hungover!!
Thank you so much for hilighting Ratchet's story on your blog!!! I totally love you for that....ok, I already loved...but now I love you more!!! Still praying for a happy ending....
Can you believe in the last three days there have been over 10,000 signatures A DAY!!!
Thanks again!!! :)
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