Sunday, May 31, 2009
Weekly Winners: Flower Power
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 18 comments
Labels: " Sarcastic Mom, Aunt Julie, family matters, The Boys, weekly winners
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Six-Word Saturday: The Cat's Meow
Here's Patch again. She's lounging on my Amish quilt. But more about that (the quilt, not the lounging) later.
Patch is nearing her 14th birthday. That's 72 years in human terms, according to the Cats Age Conversion Chart. Practically a Senior Citizen, huh? Hence, my six words for this fine Saturday morning:
You think she's eligible for AARP?
Just wondering. Especially since a cat's life expectancy has grown in the past 20 years, according to Pet
Cate at Show My Face hosts Six-Word Saturday each week. You should stop by to see her!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 14 comments
Labels: AARP, Patch, Senior Citizen, Six-Word Saturday
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta: Reading is Fundamental
In March, those of us who love to read commemorate this joie de vivre by celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday and National Reading Month. I'm sure there's a month for everything and every cause under the sun, but reading is fundamental to me.
Why do I bring this up now? Because I just uncovered this cute shot in the POPrs Family Archives. Meet College Boy in his younger years, showing off one of his favorite authors. Mine, too!
I can read with my left eye.
There are so many things you can learn about, but
If you read with your eyes shut, you’re likely to find
This Seussical Tribute is brought to you by Candid Carrie, and her Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Dr. Seuss, family matters, National Reading Month, POPrs Family
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Getting to the Meat of the Problem
I have to say I love me a good piece of meat. I've always been a steak girl. And, yes, I know it's sinfully bad for me, but I don't think I can help myself.
Three-quarters of our family, in fact, not only favors red meat, but likes it done up rare. An old expression comes to mind: "I'll have mine rare~Just wipe its but & run it by the fire."
Last year, the Veggie Family tried to be good. The Wild One read Skinny Bitch over Winter Break, and all of the sudden the Veggies were going Quasi-Vegetarian.
The mantra of SB's authors?
"If you can't take one more day of self-loathing, you're ready to hear the truth: You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to lose weight."
They pinpoint red meat as the culprit in many of our diet disasters. So, at the first of the year we vamoosed cow from our diet.
I had a whole new repertoire in the kitchen. Quiche Lorraine replaced Ribeye. Curry stood in for flank steak. We still did kabobs, but they featured chicken instead of sirloin.
Moker started to make cracks at the dinner table. Things like, "I just wish I could eat a meal that required a knife every so often." But even the Big Guy got with the program, eventually.
Have to say I'm pretty proud of the Veggie Family. We lasted close to four months. Then TWO, who had orchestrated the whole charade, decided that she, too had had enough.
She broke her fast one sunny late-April afternoon, with a post-school steak burrito. And then we celebrated with burgers on the grill that night.
It was a challenge while it lasted. And, no, I didn't lose weight. Not an ounce!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 5 comments
Labels: Carnivores, Skinny Bitch, The Wild One
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Grillin' & Chillin'
We live on a cul-de-sac. Some of us call it a "court." Four other families live on the court with us. We decided to do something festive for Memorial Day, so we did a 5-family bar-be-que.
My Philly looks festive, doesn't it? No, not a wine-tasting. Just some good cheer in front of the garage.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Angie's Wordful Wednesday, Grillin' and Chillin', Happy Memorial Day, Philly
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Beautiful People Don't Always Count
You all know, Dear Readers, how Veggie Mom feels about women competing in this world. But I'm not so sure that they all have to dress up to do it.
Susan Boyle showed up on Britain's Got Talent the other day, all glammed and gussied up. But I'm not sure her makeover has made her any better.
Yes, for the most part Ms. Boyle virtually nailed "Memory," that classic from the musical, "Cats." But she started off a tad shaky. She clearly was nervous, and those nerves showed in the opening bars of the ballad.
I wonder if all the buzz around Susan Boyle's initial performance, when she knocked that snarky smirk right off Simon Cowell's face, has somehow upped the ante for this Scottish lass.
We were talking about this at work the other day. Do the clothes really make the woman? Is Ms. Boyle somehow a better person because her hair's been permed, her eyebrows waxed, and she's wearing a glam frock? Does the powder and the rouge help her project? Keep her vibrato steady? Enable her to sing in the upper registers?
Above all, does all this America's Next Top Model treatment make Susan Boyle a better person?
I'm not sure it does.
One of my colleagues maintains that Ms. Boyle has to be glammed up in order for audiences to pay attention. I maintain that her lusty soprano is what helps her command the most attention.
Another friend said, "But what if she wins? Won't she be made over anyway? Won't the whole experience transform her?" My friend says the producers are "just getting a head start."
I can't help but think that if Susan Boyle were named Steve, she might be treated differently. How much of a price must one pay for success?
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: America's Next Top Model, Susan Boyle, What price for success?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day, 2009: We Remember
The "Flags In" ceremony, performed by the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment-also known as The Old Guard-kicks off Memorial Day Weekend in Arlington National Cemetery, just outside of D.C.
On Friday, 1,500 soldiers from The Old Guard took about three hours to place more than 250,000 flags exactly one foot in front of every tombstone at Arlington.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 4 comments
Labels: Flags In, Memorial Day, The Old Guard
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weekly Winners: A Few of My Favorite Things
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Baba, Patch, Philly, pistachio recall, the garden, weekly winners
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Six-Word Saturday=Fashion Faux Pas
One of College Girl's friends snapped this. Something to do with a sorority function, but I haven't quite gotten the whole scoop. So here's what I have to say about the whole thing, in six words:
Pretty in Pink? Perhaps, I think!
Don't want to go too much farther with this rhyme, 'cause I could be accused of being jealous, or something. After all, don't think I could pull this off. Could you?
Google-Blogger seem to be settling down, so I'll be blog-hopping today, for sure. Six-word Saturday is organized every week by Cate. She runs Show My Face. Please show her some Comment Love today, OK? That is, if Blogger will let you.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Blogger makes me sad, College Girl, Six-Word Saturday
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fx4: Confessions of a Google Junkie
Those of you who have grown used to Veggie Mom's prolific posting and commenting must have been sorely disappointed this week. She's been fighting with Google, and let's just say it hasn't been pretty.
Starting Monday night, the Search Engine That Owns Me started throwing hissy fits. First, I couldn't access Blogger, which of course, means no Eat Your Veggies! Then, I could get to Blogger, but I couldn't sign on. Then, I could get the EYV Home Page to load~well, half of it, anyway.
The long and the short of it is that I've felt a tad off-kilter all week long. At one point, I discovered that if I wanted to search for something, that was fine, but YouTube, Blogger, GMail and Picassa Web were all off-limits.
Google 's only been around for 10 years or so, but I'm feeling like Google Apps have been running things for centuries. When will the madness end?
Finally, last night, things started settling down. No more fragmented screens. No more odd dips and cyber-blips. I could open up Blogger, start a new post, and write something.
Only one problem. The program let me compose this post and post the graphic above. But posting photos seems to be out, for now. So I'm celebrating Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta with all that I've got. Words.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 8 comments
Labels: Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, sans fotos
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We're In Hawaii Now! I Have to Go Potty...
One of the wonderful things about the Internet is that it brings us all closer together. The cyberworld keeps us up-to-date, sometimes inspires us, and it most certainly keeps us entertained.
College Girl passed this YouTube video along to me. A little girl narrates a story about the kittens she sees in a book about kittens.
The child certainly has a different take on the little fur balls. And on life. Please enjoy, "Kittens, Inspired By Kittens."
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 5 comments
Labels: College Girl, Kittens inspired by kittens, The Internet
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Girl Power

Speaking from a female point-of-view, it's hard not to root for a good-looking gal who has the smarts, too.
Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. ~Harriet Beecher Stowe, Author
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. ~Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady and Philanthropist
Have a Wordful Wednesday!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 11 comments
Labels: Angie's Wordful Wednesday, Preakness Stakes, Rachel Alexandra, tenacity
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Open Sesame: Korean Bar-be-Que
Kind of in a food mood this week, considering last week's quandary.
As you may recall, I recently was at a loss over what to cook for dinner. You know, since my peeps are away, and all. May of you wonderful friends had the 4-1-1 for my 9-1-1, so now my recipe box has been replenished. Thanks!
One of the more interesting~and tasty~recipes I received was from friend Tara R., over at If Mom Says OK.
This dish is called Bulgogi. Translated, that's Korean Bar-be-Que. And although the flank steak is prepared on a grill, there's not much BBQ-ish about it at all. But it's spicy and tasty, and I'd like to share:
1 pound flank steak
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup sesame oil (can substitute ½ cup sesame oil, and ½ cup canola oil)
2 cups low sodium soy sauce (regular is too salty)
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger
1-3 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes (to taste, depending on how hot you like it)
2 cups jasmine rice, cooked
Season beef with salt and pepper.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine oil, soy sauce, garlic, ginger and red pepper flakes. Place meat in a shallow pan, pour marinade over the meat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or over night. (Tara R. puts the steak into a heavyduty plastic freezer bag and pours the marinade into the bag, remembering to turn the bag over occasionally for even marinading.) Remove beef from marinade, and bring to room temperature. Pour leftover marinade into heavy saucepan, over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for 6-8 minutes. Set aside and keep warm.
Preheat grill. Grill the steak a few minutes on each side to desired degree of doneness. Remove from grill, let sit for a couple minutes, then cut into very thin slices. Serve over hot rice and garnish with hot marinade.
Tara R. also turned me on to sautéing some cabbage in the marinade to serve with the steak. She suggested pre-cut cole slaw mix, if we couldn't find Bok Choy, which is Korean cabbage. I took it one step farther, and sautéd broccoli slaw. Can you say delish?
Tara cautions that "Sesame oil can be an acquired taste. It can be a little overpowering," she says. "If you’re not sure if you will like the full flavor of this oil, you can ‘cut’ the sesame oil, 1:1 with canola oil. If you prefer chicken, you can substitute four boneless, skinless chicken breasts for the flank steak."
For more mouthwatering recipes, or "receipts," as my Nana used to say, please visit Rachel, From the Land of Monkeys and Princesses.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: Bulgogi, From the Land of Monkeys and Princesses, If Mom Says OK, Korean Bar-be-Que, Nana, recipes
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mad Skills for the Grills!
Meet Mad Dog and Merrill, who call themselves "Grillologists," and hail from New London, WI. They host a local Saturday Morning grilling show on radio, and hire out to cater gatherings ranging from backyard picnics to college sorority get-togethers.
How do I know so much about these hysterical-and quite talented-guys? Well, Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn have been fans from Day One. And that prompted The Wild One to hire them to cook for a Larry U. sorority fest Saturday night.
"I thought I'd died and gone to Heaven," is the way TWO describes her first taste of Mad Dog and Merrill's fare. "I'm gonna have a hard time going back to the dorm cafeteria!"
The day before their Larry U. debut, the Grillologists made this appearance on Good Morning, Wisconsin. They cooked a Beer Butt Chicken. Wonder if these guys have tried POPrs yet? We'll check that out and get back to ya!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 4 comments
Labels: Aunt Jule and Uncle Lynn, Aunt Julie's Kitchen, Larry U., Mad Dog and Merrill, POPrs, The Wild One
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Weekly Winners: Shell We Dance?
Welcome to Weekly Winners, brought to you by Lotus over at Sarcastic Mom. I'd like to share the beach with you today.
Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean."
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 23 comments
Labels: I love the beach, my peeps, The Wild One, weekly winners
Saturday, May 16, 2009
SWS: & My Fair Lady: Wouldn't It Be Loverly?
I'm featuring another award as my Six-Word Saturday post. BTW, make sure you stop by to visit Cate at Show My Face to see other six-word wonders this weekend!
Tori Z., from Torizworld, is my new friend from Wales (as in the UK~yup, Across the Pond!) She presented me with this loverly trinket. Well, just thought I should speak like Eliza Doolittle for the occasion!
Before I get to the bloggy particulars, wanted to share my Six Words:
Tori Z. is My Fair Lady!
And, no, I don't think I'm stretching the truth a bit!
Anyway, the One Lovely Blog Award is all about making new friends. So, I hearby bequeath this pretty to the following 15 newish bloggy friends. They, in turn, must give it to 15 new bloggers, and so on, and so forth. Have fun with this, and enjoy your Saturday!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 22 comments
Labels: Across the Pond, Bloggy Bling, Six-Word Saturday
Friday, May 15, 2009
POPrs Sing for Candid Carrie
Wanted to share a couple more photos of Uncle Lynn's first foray into retail. Here's Soccer Boy trying to act all "professional," at the Festival Foods Store in Fon du Lac, WI...
...and a young customer who is SO SURPRISED that POPrs make her yogurt "sing"! Isn't this expression priceless?
Playing along today with Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta. If you're in the neighborhood, come on out to Festival Foods and try some POPrs. This fun, delicious and good-for-you seasoning is in the yogurt aisle.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 18 comments
Labels: Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Festival Foods, POPrs, Soccer Boy, Uncle Lynn
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Happy Birthday, Shark Boy!
Another trip down Memory Lane for all you POPrs Pals today. We're celebrating Shark Boy's Big Day, and want to do it in style!
In this "vintage" 1991 photo, meet Big Bear, Uncle Lynn, The Birthday Boy and College Boy. Oh, and Mr. Gator. Aunt Julie conjured this Green Masterpiece as the young lad's birthday cake.
While the Black-Tipped Reef Shark Adventure was exciting, Shark Boy has much Bigger Fish to fry these days, including helping Mr. Pops launch the new retail line of POPrs - Coming to a supermarket near you, fingers crossed!
So, Happy B-Day, SB...May you live long and, prosper!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 28 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Big Bear, College Boy, family matters, POPrs, Shark Boy, Uncle Lynn
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Festival Foods Welcomes POPrs!

Let me let Uncle Lynn explain a little bit: "Our POPrs retail roll-out has been going over VERY well," he explains. "We are also planning some radio spots to support the introduction, and hope we can get enough people to know about it that we can expand out from here. From 13 local Festival stores to 2,500 Krogers, perhaps?"
Uncle Lynn says you can still buy POPrs online, and he's also now offering the new logo POPrs hats and shirts as well. And tune in to his POPrs Web site to watch a new video, too!
Of course, Uncle Lynn wouldn't be where he is today without the continuing support of all his POPrs Pals, who continue to come back and visit Eat Your Veggies! and keep rooting for this thing to take off in a big way. Our unofficial, but nevertheless quite enthusiastic POPrs "PR" gal and Previous POPrs Winner (that would be Lula, natch!) says we should aim for QVC now. Whaddaya thin

Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 23 comments
Labels: Angie's Wordful Wednesday, Festival Foods, make your food sing, POPrs, Uncle Lynn
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Vote Early ~ And Often!
Good news, gang, for two of our Bloggy Friends and POPrs Giveaway Winners. They're Blogging for the Gold, and need your help.
I was so tickled to get back-to-back e-mails from these gals. First from Veronica, of Supermarket Serenade fame. Those of you who visit Veronica's site know that it's an All Recipes, All the Time kinda place.
Well, Veronica's got a chance to win a $25,000 kitchen makeover from Crisco ~ that would be Twenty-Five Thousand Big Ones, folks ~ for her Carribean Chicken with Roasted Mango Sauce. Veronica made the Top Five, and needs your vote, please!
I'm not electioneering or anything (that's Hot Tub Lizzy's job, ya know!), but to vote for Veronica, please visit Crisco is Cooking, and do just that. You have to register, but it takes a couple quick seconds, and it's free. I'm told there's one vote per e-mail, but we Smarty Pants Bloggers know how to get around that, right?
And speaking of Smarty Pants Bloggers, don't you love Kathleen over at Katydidandkid? Well, this intrepid gal pal is one of 10 finalists in the Protect-a-Bed Blogher '09 Scholarship Competition!
Kathleen made it to the Top 10, and has a chance to win $300 ~ that's 300 Clams, folks! ~ to help fund her Chicago trip to BlogHer this summer. Polls close at Noon next Monday the 18th.
Please help our gal pals out. Please vote early ~ and often!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 9 comments
Labels: Katydid and Kid, supermarket serenade, your vote counts
Monday, May 11, 2009
Please Give Us the 4-1-1 for Our 9-1-1
Moker and I need your help. We're tired of the same-old, same-old. Being Empty Nesters and all, we cook for two, but our repertoire is growing thin these days, and leftovers (I'm used to cooking for a gang o' peeps) are losing their appeal.
Do you have any quick, delish, wonderful dishes that you can share? To paraphrase Wimpy, I'd gladly pay you on Tuesday for a recipe, today!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 7 comments
Labels: Empty Nesters, Moker, my peeps, Wimpy
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Weekly Winners: A Flowering Mother's Day
Welcome to Weekly Winners, hosted by Lotus over at Sarcastic Mom. And Happy Mother's Day to one and to all!
My Mom ~ the kids called her Baba ~ was a gardener. It's been three years since she died, and we're still keeping her geraniums in good shape. Of course, we take them inside in the winter. And give them used coffee grounds, on occasion, for breakfast.
The centerpiece of Baba's Garden was Baba's Bench. It's pretty old, and under the weather these days. Several decades of wind, rain, snow and ice can do that to a piece of outside furniture, which faced the elements 24/7 all those years! But I've figured out a way to make Baba's Bench the centerpiece of my garden, as well.
Now, my SIL, Aunt Julie, really loves hummingbirds. So did Baba. It's far too early for hummers in my neck o' the woods, even though I live in slightly more temperate climes than most of the POPrs Family. So here is a hummer medalion I picked up at the garden store. It used to be on a long, sharp stake, so I poked it in among the flowers for many years. Unfortunately, wear-and-tear has left me with just the little birdie. Can't wait, though, 'til the real, live hummers appear on my back deck!
I'm celebrating Mother's Day in the garden. What about you?
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 16 comments
Labels: Baba, Happy Mother's Day, Sarcastic Mom, weekly winners
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Six-Word Saturday: Brett Favre Teams Up with Uncle Lynn!
I have two entries in Six-Word Saturday today. First, I'd like to congratulate the winner of the POPrs Give It Away Now Giveaway:
The Winner Is...Stacy's Random Thoughts!
Stacy wins a box of POPrs ~ all eight flavors ~ that fun and nutritious seasoning, which encourages you to Eat Your Veggies! Please e-mail me, Stacy, at, with your contact info, and Uncle Lynn will get your prize right out to ya!
And now, to the matter at hand, and the title of this post.
No, he didn't. But if Brett Favre had teamed up with my BIL, that would have been a million times better than the rash decision he was considering. I couldn't imagine Football Season starting so early this year, but here is my Second Series of Six Words, brought to you by Cate at Show My Face:
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 10 comments
Labels: Brett Favre, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings, POPrs Team, Six-Word Saturday
Friday, May 8, 2009
Candid Carrie's: A Multicultural Place to Hang

Of course, it's Friday. TGIF, everyone! That means it's time for Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta, known in these parts as Fx4. Or FFFF, if you want to get technical about it.
Aunt Julie, as you know, is a quilter, a gardener, a baker, a great cook, a decorator, a photographer, AND a crafter. At one time in her young life, she was also into multiculturalism, as you can see from the shot above.
Julie Eliz stitched these Raggedy Anns when my kids were little. She also made corresponding Andys.
I'd say it's been pretty nifty being her SIL all these years. Don't you agree? Maybe we should market these with the POPrs...
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 7 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Fx4, multiculturalism, POPrs Give it away now blog carnival, Raggedy Ann and Andy
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Peace, Love and Harmony
Meet the Dog, the Cat and the Rat. Otherwise known as Booger, Kitty and Mousey. Booger's a Rotweiller, Kitty's an American Tabby, and Mousey is, well, a Rat.
They're hanging out with their owner, Gregory Pike, in Santa Barbara. Moved to Cali recently after spending several years in Arizona. Pike is originally from Telluride, Colorado.
Booger the Rotweiller met Kitty when the cat was but a babe. Mousey grew attached to Kitty the same way. Now they walk around Santa Barbara all day long, promoting Peace, Love and Harmony.
"Peace can happen anywhere," Pike tells The Bottom Line, a publication put out by students at UC-Santa Barbara. "If they can do it, why can't people?"
He really does have a point there, don't you think?
"You know," Pike says, "they're just 'dumb' animals, but now, who're really the stupid ones?" Good question.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 8 comments
Labels: Bloggy carnival, peace love and harmony, POPrs give it away Now, the dog the cat and the rat
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix
No, I can't claim credit for this. I was checking out some new blogs yesterday, and came upon Shawn. Her site, Swaneesinger, is an eclectic collection of observations, memories and ~ you guessed it ~ recipes.
I'm snagging this one for you, Dear Readers, because I know you especially like those Retro Recipes. This one comes from a special cookbook, entitled 101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix, by Stephanie Ashcraft. Puts me in mind of my Nana and her creations.
This recipe, of course, is adaptable. Please give it a whirl, and let me know what you think. We'll be baking it in Aunt Julie's Kitchen, for sure!
Dump Cake
1 White or Yellow Cake Mix
1 Can (29 oz.) sliced peaches with juice
1/2 stick of butter or margarine, thinly sliced
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 x 13-inch pan. Spread half of the cake mix evenly in bottom of pan. Pour can of sliced peaches and juice evenly over the cake mix (Shawn also sometimes uses a bit of cinnamon). Cover the peaches with the rest of the cake mix, then slice the margarine or butter on top. Bake 50 minutes, or until golden brown. Top the Dump Cake with either whipping cream or ice cream.
Shawn says she's also used different kinds of pie filling as the central ingredient in Dump Cake, and has even made this recipe as cupcakes. Thanks to Shawn for putting this out there for all of us to share. Hope you enjoy it!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 16 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie's Kitchen, Dump Cake, Nana, Pop'rs, recipes
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Nuthin' Better Than a Bloggy Carnival!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 58 comments
Labels: Eat Your Veggies, Give It Away Now Blog Carnival, POPrs Fun, Uncle Lynn
Monday, May 4, 2009
Hats Off to the Kentucky Derby!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 10 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Hats off to the derby, Kentucky Derby, Nana