You Would Win Best Original Screenplay! |
![]() You are insightful and expressive. You've always been a natural storyteller. You know how to hook an audience, entertain them, and surprise them at the end. Where people see everyday life, you see an engaging plot with interesting characters. You notice details that other people ignore. People you've only met once or twice live inside your head. |
Saturday, February 28, 2009
An Oscar for Veggie Mom!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 8 comments
Labels: Academy Awards, Karla, Oscar, Slum Dog Millionaire, Zander and Me
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta: Meet Dave!
Remember the days when gas cost 30 cents? When you could pull up, crank down that window (yup, I'm not talkin' 'bout electric conveniences here!) and yell, "Fill 'er up!"? Well, Aunt Julie still has that luxury in her little ol' corner of Northeastern Wisconsin.
Meet Dave. He works at the Marathon service station in Neenah. Emphasis on "service." With a smile. His services, which as you can see are extensive, cost nothing. Just Fill 'Er Up, for the same price-per-gallon as the self-serves down the street, and you get your windows washed, your oil and window-washer fluid checked, and, of course, your gas pumped, don'tcha know.
Candid Carrie put me up to this. It's her day today. Please check out Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish. It's Freakin' Awesome!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 14 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Candid Carrie, Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Fill 'er up, full service
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Snot Monster in the Howse
This Kute Kritter was Kreated by someone on the Web known as Laurab25. The poor guy looks exactly the way Veggie Mom feels.
Yes, I know. I've been this way since last Friday. Every time I think I'm making a quick recovery, I suffer a snotty setback. I'm falling way behind in my duties as a bloggy friend and confident. Promise to get back commenting soon!
I need to Think Lovely Thoughts. It worked for Peter Pan, didn't it?
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 19 comments
Labels: peter pan, Snot Monster, Think lovely thoughts, Veggie Mom
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Mommy Recess
Recent research shows that recess is good for our kids. That's a big "duh" now, I think. In fact, I think we can extrapolate those findings and apply them to Mommies, too.
While exploring the Web for "adult beverage" recipes, I came upon this site. It features "Momtinis" in various incarnations and flavors. Here's one that just might be What the Doctor Ordered:
Pudding Shots (c/o Squidoo)
Basic recipe:
1 (3 1/2-ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup vodka
1/2 cup Irish cream
8 ounces Extra Cool Whip
1. Mix pudding and milk until well-blended.
2. Add vodka and Irish cream, mix well.
3. Fold in Cool Whip.
4. Divide into individual servings.
5. Keep in freezer.
Squidoo suggests you could use Kahlua with the Irish Cream (or instead of). Also, Chambord with cheesecake pudding, or root beer schnapps with vanilla pudding?
I suggest garnishing this particular "Momtini" with one of the sweet-flavored Pop'rs. I'm thinking this just might be the ticket to a fun Mom's Night In when Dad is On Duty...send them to a movie and Chuck E. Cheese, while you and The Ladies "indulge."
I'm adding this recipe to Aunt Julie's Kitchen. If anyone think of any variations, please let me know. Playing along today with Angie and her Wordful Wednesday. Time to get loose!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 11 comments
Labels: Angie's Wordful Wednesday, Aunt Julie's Kitchen, Mommy Recess, Momtini, recipes
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Why You Should Eat Your Veggies!
In honor of "friendship Month," Mary Beth over at Blogmania is featuring bloggers that have developed enduring friendships through blogging. And guess who she featured first? I hate to brag, but listen to what MB said about me:
Well, there are 10 members of the “extended” Pop’rs Family. First off, there’s Uncle Lynn, my BIL, the creator of the incredibly good-for-you, wonderfully fun Pop’rs…the whole reason I’m online, urging everyone to Eat Your Veggies! Uncle Lynn is married to Aunt Julie, whose bailiwick is yummy food, homemade quilts, family photos, gardening and, of course, the dogs, Moses and Rowdy. Aunt Julie is also my hubby Moker’s Little Sis. Uncle Lynn and Aunt Julie have four boys: Big Bear, Shark Boy, College Boy and Soccer Boy. On my side of the family, there’s me, Veggie Mom, who’s married to Moker, Aunt Julie’s Big Brother. We have two girls: College Girl and The Wild One.
Besides blogging, what are some of your hobbies?
Let’s see…I love to read, garden, go for long walks…I’m a fairly decent cook, and a pretty good writer, so I’d include those in my interests, too. But as far as being crafty? That’s Aunt Julie’s side of the family! Except for coaxing day lilies out of the soil every spring, I’m just not that handy!
How did you get started blogging?
Well, Uncle Lynn wanted to get the word out this new seasoning he developed at his plant in Northeastern Wisconsin. He thought it would be fun to blog about Pop’rs, and asked me what I thought about the idea. Several of my friends have started blogs, so I naturally was pretty enthusiastic. On June 16th of last year I finally got my feet wet! It took me a while to find Veggie Mom’s “voice,” but the rest, as they say, is history!
What do you like best about blogging?
I consider Eat Your Veggies! to be a forum not just for Pop’rs and the Pop’rs Family, but for my visitors as well. I love sharing my everyday thoughts and dreams. Plus, as a blogger I have a built-in “sounding board” in the blogging community. I love the freedom that the Internet brings. I can be sitting here in my dusty basement, and communicate with others halfway around the world! I also enjoy meeting new friends and making common connections. And I get a lot of encouragement and advice, which is nice!
You have such a strong network of online friends. Which bloggers have you created an especially strong bond with?
I’m close with several blogging buddies. Susie, from Susie’s Homemade is one of my faves…she and her wonderful husband, Jeff, just redesigned my blog, which is awesome! I also have a strong affinity for Karla at Zander and Me, and The Lovely Mannequin, at Fractured Toy. Mannequin’s friends, Frankie and Cupid, are the best…plus they’re featured in my new redesign as well. Check out the Polaroid in the upper left-hand corner that’s labeled “Pop’rs Pals”!
Do you share any common threads with your fellow blogging friends?
We all love sharing stories about friends, family, work and food. Especially food! And every time Uncle Lynn hosts a Great New Pop’rs Giveaway, I seem to make even more bloggy buds. Wonder why that is?
Any fun vacation plans in 2009?
The Pop’rs Family vacations every summer at North Carolina’s Outer Banks. We’ve been going there for years, and consider this lovely strip of sand more of a sanctuary than a vacation spot. Last year we were able to get all 10 of us there at once, which was a very special treat! Other than our annual beach getaway, though, I’ve been saving my sheckels…with two kids in college, I can’t afford a fancy vay-cay right now!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 10 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Big Bear, Blogmania, College Boy, College Girl, family matters, Moker, Outer Banks, Shark Boy, Soccer Boy, The Pop'rs Family, The Wild One, Uncle Lynn, Veggie Mom
Monday, February 23, 2009
Katrina Survivor Has a Happy Ending
As New Orleanians and the rest of us ready for tomorrow's Fat Tuesday celebrations and the advent of Lent, please take a look at the e-mail Aunt Julie forwarded me yesterday. For more news and photos of Molly Click Here. Hope you all down in NOLA have a wonderful next couple of days!
Ya gotta meet Molly...
She's a grey speckled pony who was abandoned by her owners when Hurricane Katrina hit southern Louisiana . She spent weeks on her own before finally being rescued and taken to a farm where abandoned animals were stockpiled.
While there, she was attacked by a pit bull terrier and almost died. Her gnawed right front leg became infected, and her vet went to LSU for help, but LSU was overwhelmed, and this pony was a welfare case. You know how that goes.
But after surgeon Rustin Moore met Molly, he changed his mind. He saw how the pony was careful to lie down on different sides so she didn't seem to get sores, and how she allowed people to handle her. She protected her injured leg. She constantly shifted her weight and didn't overload her good leg. She was a smart pony with a serious survival ethic. Moore agreed to remove her leg below the knee, and a temporary artificial limb was built.
Molly walked out of the clinic and her story really begins there. "This was the right horse and the right owner," Moore insists. Molly happened to be a one-in-a-million patient. She's tough as nails, but sweet, and she was willing to cope with pain. She made it obvious she understood that she was in trouble. The other important factor, according to Moore, is having a truly committed and compliant owner who is dedicated to providing the daily care required over the lifetime of the horse. Molly's story turns into a parable for life in post-Katrina Louisiana. The little pony gained weight, and her mane finally felt a comb.
A human prosthesis designer built her a leg. The prosthetic has given Molly a whole new life, Allison Barca, Molly's regular vet, reports. And she asks for it. She will put her little limb out, and come to you and let you know that she wants you to put it on. Sometimes she wants you to take it off too. And sometimes, Molly gets away from Barca. "It can be pretty bad when you can't catch a three-legged horse," she laughs.
Most important of all, Molly has a job now. Kay, the rescue farm owner, started taking Molly to shelters, hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. Anywhere she thought that people needed hope. Wherever Molly went, she showed people her pluck. She inspired people, and she had a good time doing it.
"It's obvious to me that Molly had a bigger role to play in life," Moore said. "She survived the hurricane, she survived a horrible injury and now she is giving hope to others," Barca concluded. "She's not back to normal, but she's going to be better. To me, she could be a symbol for New Orleans itself."
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 19 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, Hurricane Katrina, Mardi Gras, Meet Molly
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Living the 10th Commandment
When I was younger, I just knew where I was going, and what I was going to do with my life. Then reality hit.
Family. Job. Mortgage. Life.
For a while there, I had a difficut time following the 10th Commandment. No, not the part about coveting my neighbor's wife...the rest of it: desiring all those material things that can make a 20-something drool.
My life has turned out so differently than I had ever anticipated. It has become richer, fuller, more satisfying. Not perfect, but getting there.
We're in a new chapter, Moker and I. As Empty Nesters, we don't see The Girls as much as we once did. College visits, winter break, the occasional chance to catch a sporting event...and Bleacher Booty.
What is it the T-Shirt says? Life is Good. Well, it is!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 16 comments
Labels: Bleacher Booty, Empty Nesters, Moker, The 10th Commandment, The Girls
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Good Life
Aunt Julie shared an e-mail with me that's going around, called "Thoughts for 2009." Not sure where it originated, but the communiqué consists of inspirational photos and sayings. The above tandem struck me as being particularly encouraging for a cold Saturday morning in February.
I'm encouraged for a number of reasons. Our health is good~well, except for the Killer Cold I seem to have come down with! The sun is rising earlier in the morning and setting later in the evening. We might not have much, but we have each other. I visited a friend's blog the other day, and she had posted photos of the first crocuses and daffodils trying to make a valient effort to push through the dead leaves and the frost of the Winter of 08-09. Could the day lilies be far behind?
When you get lemons, make lemonade. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, crocuses, daffodils, spring, thoughts for 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Prescription for a Killer Cold
No, I can't take credit for this shot; a blogger named Shortie posted it last year. But the sign represents exactly the way I feel today. You know, all those Larry U. Swimmers were coming down with something last weekend. Probably picked up the sniffles from them. So, I ended up not only with Bleacher Booty, but a Killer Cold. Thanks, kids!
Here's to a warm down comforter, a good book, and perhaps several mugs of Aunt Julie's Hot Cocoa. With lots of teeny-tiny marshmallows on top!
Candid Carrie, and her Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, are my muses this morning. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 7:52 AM 19 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie's Hot Cocoa, Bleacher Booty, Candid Carrie, Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Killer Cold, Larry U., Pop'rs Recipes
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Baby Boxing Match
Aunt Julie possesses a "Dog Family." Veggie Mom presides over a "Cat Family." You've met some of our critters, right here. Remember Trouble Elizabeth and Moses in the garden? What about Patch, the Fat Cat? Or Rowdy, the puppy whose name implies everything? And then, of course, Moses and Rowdy as Beach Bums.
Whatever your persuasion~and I know many of you out there feel pretty strongly about the subject of Family Pets~you'll be taken by this Pas de Deux between a Baby and his Boxer...of the doggie variety. The clip comes from The Bonnie Hunt Show.
After viewing this, I beg to differ with anyone who still believes that All God's Critters have no "soul."
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, baby and boxer, beach bums, Bonnie Hunt show, e-mail Veggie Mom, Moses, Patch, Rowdy, Trouble Elizabeth
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Aunt Julie Recommends
Aunt Julie and I are both inveterate readers. We don't always agree on a book, but each of us relishes completing a really, really good read. Julie Eliz just finished The Space Between Us, by Thrity Umrigar. No big review here: "I just LOVED it," Julie enthuses.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, Aunt Julie journeyed to visit us at the beach. One of our prime pastimes at The OBX is grabbing a good book and heading out to sit in a wobbly chair on the sand, the Atlantic Ocean crashing in our ears.
During this particular vacation, Julie Eliz had run out of things to read. I was out doing errands, and she rang me up, as the British would say.
"Hey, pick me up another book."
The request from my SIL seemed simple enough, but I have to say that I was just a wee bit intimidated.
"What kind?"
"Oh, you choose. I trust you." Three words that weighed heavily on my mind as I rifled the shelves at a local Big Box Store.
I ended up coming back to the Beach House with The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver. Despite its heft (546 pages), I liked what I read on the back cover of the paperback. The story looked like it "fit" my SIL. And, I supposed, I could always take it off her hands if she didn't like it.
The verdict? "Best book ever," Julie said when she put it down on her towel four days later.
I read Poisonwood next, and have to agree. When Aunt Julie just LOVES a book, I tend to take her seriously. So, perhaps you should check out her latest recommendation. As the critics might say, it definitely won't disappoint!
This post is part of Angie's Wordful Wednesday. Please visit and join the fun!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 11 comments
Labels: Angie's Wordful Wednesday, Aunt Julie recommends, family matters, The Poisonwood Bible, The Space Between Us
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rockin' the Pop'rs!
Meet Monsoon. He's Ryan Ashley Scott's adorable little guy. Monsoon, it seems, loves his Strawberry Pop'rs! His Mom, who runs Optimistic Cynicism, won our Impromptu Bloggy Carnival Giveaway in January.
Monsoon, buddy, I "get" that you adore Strawberry Pop'rs in your milk. But have you tried them on ice cream yet? Click Here for more ideas...and keep Rockin' those Pop'rs!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: Monsoon, Optimistic Cynicism, Pop'rs in Milk, Pop'rs on ice cream, Strawberry Pop'rs
Monday, February 16, 2009
You're Not Dreaming...Veggie Mom Puts on a Pretty Face

Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 13 comments
Labels: Aunt Julie, blog redesign, Frankie and Cupid, Shark Boy, Soccer Boy, susie's homemade, The Lovely Mannequin, The Pop'rs Family, Uncle Lynn
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bleacher Booty?
Veggie Mom and Eat Your Veggies! are on the road this weekend in Iowa for the Midwest Conference Swimming Championships at Grinnell College.
Larry U. is making a great showing this year, but the parentals of team members are suffering from paralysis of the derrière...also known as Bleacher Booty. Yes, College Girl and The Wild One are working hard, but Mom wonders if there are any benefits to precariously perching up to seven hours a day on crowded carpeted blocks, hovering over a chlorinated sauna.
Posted by Aunt Julie at 7:33 AM 8 comments
Labels: Bleacher Booty, College Girl, Eat Your Veggies, family matters, The Wild One
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Flowers and Chocolate...And Giveaway Winners, too!
Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! Veggie Mom is sooooooooo excited this morning, 'cause I get to announce the winners in our little ol' Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway. And the those lucky folks, drawn completely at random, are...
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 8 comments
Labels: AnnOnAndOn, flowers and chocolate, Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Princesses and Pickles, Uncle Lynn, winners circle
Friday, February 13, 2009
Favre Signs on with Pop'rs Team
OK, we fooled ya, didn't we? But Brett the Jet is up to his ol' high jinx. He announced Wednesday that he's retiring again.
Before we get to that, let's get to this. Last day to enter our Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway! Click Here for details. Comment on all of Veggie's posts this week for extra entries!
Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program.
After so many ups and downs, with Brett, the Jets and The Pack, we just want to kick back, relax, and read this article from The Onion, which always puts others who practice the craft of satire to shame. Something about Brett and an itch. Please read'll laugh!
Playing along with Candid Carrie today. You know she's the Purveyor Extraordinaire of the Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Brett's a Jet, Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, The Onion, The Pack
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pop'rs Butter Supreme Soup
Today's Pop'rs Infomercial features Bethany, whose brother Ben cooked up such a Great Pop'rs Infomerical for us last month.
Bethany's sharing her mom's recipe for Pop'rs Butter Supreme Soup. Tracy P., as many of you know, is famous around these here parts for being a Pop'rs Giveaway Winner, and for her Beer Cheese Soup, too!
The Secret Ingredient in this recipe? Why, Butter-Flavored Pop'rs, of course! Bethany just sprinkles this delish, fun and nutrish seasoning on, and her store-bought soup (to which Mom added leftovers, I'm told) is totally transformed!
To enter our Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Click Here. Or Here. Or Here. Or even Here! And make sure to comment on today's post, too. The Giveaway ends tomorrow at 11:59 p.m., when Uncle Lynn will randomly select two Proud Pop'rs Winners!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 9 comments
Labels: Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Pop'rs Infomercial, Tracy P.'s Beer Cheese Soup, Uncle Lynn
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: I Scream, You Scream...for Pop'rs!
Here's Cute Karla from Zander and Me, a multi-tasking, multi-talented Mega Mom and, of course, Pop'rs Giveaway Winner. She and Z are modeling the awesome Pop'rs-Wear that you, too, can win for the whole family if you enter The Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway!
Zander really is a Pop'rs fan. I'm thinking he's making that face because Mom wants him to pose and act all nice for Veggie, and he has other ideas...that's a 2-year-old for ya! If you Click Here, you can see a video of Zander demonstrating that a Spoonful of Pop'rs really does help the medicine go down!
Make sure to leave me comments on every post this week! That means you can comment Here. And Here. And Here, for sure! And, quite naturally, on Today's Post, too. The Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, so remember: The more comments, the better your chance of winning Pop'rs and some fabulous Pop'rs T-Shirts for you and yours. We're announcing two winners on Valentine's Day, so leave me some Sweet Comment Love!
Playing along today with Angie and her Wordful Wednesday. You should play, too!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 15 comments
Labels: Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Pop'rs-Wear, Z Man, Zander and Me
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pop'rs Hits the Top 40 Countdown!
First off, for more info on our Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Click Here! Make sure to leave a sweet comment on Veggie Mom's posts all week. Uncle Lynn will pick our two luck winners Friday night.
Today we're featuring Soccer Boy and his goof-ball friends, trying Color Burst Pop'rs on yogurt. That's SB's friend, Wilson, doing the honors. Soccer Boy is slightly off-camera. He's the one who cues up the Pop'rs Hit Machine. I'm sure this tune will make the Top 40, aren't you? Middle-school boys...gotta love 'em!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 9 comments
Labels: Color Burst Pop'rs on Yogurt, Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Soccer Boy, Uncle Lynn
Monday, February 9, 2009
Tune in for Pop'rs-and Giveaway-News!
To enter our Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Click Here. And don't forget to leave comments all this week. The more comments, the more chances you have to win!
Uncle Lynn and his Pop'rs have made big news in a BIG way recently. Click on the video above to see the interview he did with local Channel Five. And Uncle Lynn also Pop'd up in the pages of The Milwaukee Journal. For that interview, Click Here.
For those of you who are still confused about this delicious and oh-so-good-for-you seasoning, Click Here.
"We're the missing link between good food and eating," Uncle Lynn told the reporter from The Journal.
For more info on "Mr. Pops" and his journey, you can also read the "chapters" he's been writing for Veggie Mom.
Chapter 1: What to do when a good idea pops into your head
Chapter 2: What puts the "Pop!" in Pop'rs?
Chapter 3: Travels with Mr. Pops
And if you want to see more of moi, please Click Here. I'm guesting over at Tiffany's Place today. Yup, Veggie Mom is in the Howse! And I'm counting it as part of my February contribution to the Random Complexity Writing Challenge: 633 words!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 10 comments
Labels: Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway, Mr. Pops, Pop'rs in the News, random complexity writing challenge, Uncle Lynn
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"Pop'rs Rock!" That's Why You Should Enter Our Giveaway!
First of all, meet Bella. She's a Big Pop'rs Fan, and has agreed to do this endorsement. Bella's Mom, Jeannie of Jeannie's Happy World, was one of Uncle Lynn's giveaway winners in November.
OK, Pop'rs Fans, we've got a good one for ya this week! In honor of the "season" and all, we bring you The Great New Pop'rs Valentine's Day Giveaway!
Uncle Lynn is rewarding Two Lucky Winners with a complete box of Pop'rs, that delish, fun and good-for-you seasoning that encourages everybody to Eat Their Veggies! T-shirts for the whole family, too!
All you have to do is to is leave a sweet comment right here in honor of Valentine's Day. You're allowed to comment once a day all week, and each comment gets you one giveaway entry. For five additional entries, please sign up to follow me! And for five more entries, post about this giveaway on your blog, and send the link to And guess what? For another five giveaway entries, you can follow me~that would be Veggiemadre~on Twitter! I just learned to "Tweet," and it's a blast!
This Great Giveaway runs through 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 13. We'll announce the winners on Valentine's Day! So, get Poppin'! You know you want to!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 48 comments
Labels: Bella, jeannie's happy world, Pop'rs Rock
Saturday, February 7, 2009
That Was Then...
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 8 comments
Labels: College Girl, family matters, Happy Birthday, Ode to a Burrito Baby, That was then and this is now
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Pop'rs Family Gets Crabby for Candid Carrie
One of The Pop'rs Family's annual traditions is going to the beach at North Carolina's Outer Banks. The other tradition is ordering steamed crabs and then posing with the critters out on the deck of the beach house before we eat 'em.
This is a shot from a few years back. From the left, if ya really want to know...Back Row: Veggie Mom, College Girl, Moker, The Wild One, Uncle Lynn. Front Row: College Boy, Soccer Boy. Shark Boy and Big Bear have apparently Left the Building (a la Elvis!). Aunt Julie, of course, is taking the pic.
We've had such lousy winter weather recently, that we wanted to re-live warmer times in toasty climes. Candid Carrie put us up to it...Please join the Fun at her Friday Foto Finish Fiesta. For real!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: Candid Carrie, family matters, Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, OBX, Outer Banks, The Pop'rs Family, toasty climes, warmer times
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Bloggy Birthday Bash!
Hey, all you friends out in Cyberland! We've got a couple of Cool Birthdays to celebrate! My oldest, College Girl, is celebrating a very special day is the Lovely Lizzy, of Hot Tub Fame! Please give them both a proper Birthday Shout-Out!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 17 comments
Labels: College Girl, family matters, Happy Birthday to you, Hot Tub Lizzy, Many Happy Returns
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wordful Wednesday: Thank You, BATW!

Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 12 comments
Labels: BATW, blast into the blogosphere, Blog around the world, Debbie, thanks for the ride, this is the life
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Guest Blogger: Travels with "Mr. Pops"

Well—it's been too long, but here is some more of my story. Probably reverse vanity, where I am thinking no one cares, but Veggie Mom told me to write something, so here it is!
I found myself in Barcelona, Spain, with my hopes and prayers for a positive meeting leading the way. You should know that this was my first trip out of the US, other than small childhood family forays into Canada and barely across the border in Mexico. Barcelona, if you have never been there, is a beautiful and exotic city, especially for someone from little Neenah, Wisconsin.
Problem here: I am not a history buff, nor am I a seasoned traveler who researches his destination to know all of the good historical or even interesting sites. So, my chances to see cool things are more accidental that planned. Nonetheless, I was able to walk down to th

At the end of La Rambla, a famous Barcelona Boulevard, sits the famous statue of Christopher Columbus pointing the wrong way. The monument is placed at the site where Columbus arrived in 1493 after his discovery of America the year before. In the 19th Century, Columbus was considered a Catalan—some historians still claimed he was born in Catalonia, hence the monument to the famous explorer in Barcelona, home of the Catalans.
Along the way on La Rambla is the Mercat de Sant Josep/La Boqueria. A brief description:
Probably Barcelona’s best-known market, ideally situated just off La Rambla this market is a must whether sourcing ingredients for a fine meal or just wandering through. It´s an assault on the senses, with smells coming from the fish to the fruit. The food sold at the market ranges from ready-made fresh fruit salads for the tired tourist, to literally fresh-out-of-the-sea, still-moving crabs and lobsters (maybe you would also like to look out for the whole sheep´s head!?) Not to mention the bright sweets counters that will act like a magnet for any child (or adult!).
My first time seeing meat displayed everywhere in its original form; the lamb fetuses sent me off to other adventures!
The architecture of Barcelona is otherworldly to a Neenah boy: Antoni Gaudí, the most famous of Barcelona’s architects, worked and influenced work all over this beautiful city. His most famous work is one of the most striking pieces of architecture in the world: the Church of the Sagrada Familia.
The idea of a new church was launched by a devote organization whose goal was to bring an end to the de-Christianization of the Barcelonese, which had started with the industrialization and increasing wealth of the city. A plot of land in the new Eixample district was bought in 1877. The architect, Francisco de Paula del Villar designed a neo-gothic church and lead the construction, which started in 1882.
One year later, the modernist architect Gaudí took over as lead architect at the age of 31. From that moment on, Gaudí devoted most of his life to the construction of the church. Instead of sticking to the original plans, Gaudí changed the design drastically. The ne- gothic style made way for Gaudí's trademark modernist style, which was based on forms found in nature. When he died in 1926, only one facade (the Nativity Facade), one tower, the apse and the crypt were finished. Because Gaudí was constantly improvising and changing the design while construction was going on, he left few designs and models. And most of these were destroyed during the civil war in 1936.
Still, architects now have a clear idea of what Gaudí had in mind. The last version of his design called for a church 95m/312ft long and 60m/197ft wide. The church eventually will be able to accommodate 13,000 people. When finished, the Sagrada Familia will have a total of 18 towers. Four Towers on each of the three facades represent the 12 Apostles. The towers reach a height of 90 to 120m (394 ft). Another four towers represent the 4 evangelists. They will surround the largest, 170m/558ft tall tower, dedicated to Jesus Christ. The last tower, dedicated to Virgin Mary, will be built over the apse.
Even though the Sagrada Familia is far from finished, the remarkable church is well worth a visit. You can visit the crypt were Gaudí is buried. A museum tells the story of this great architect and the history of the church. You can also visit the towers. A lift and a long walk will lead you to the top of a tower from where you have a magnificent view over Barcelona. The climb is not recommended for those with fear of heights or for people with claustrophobia!
I didn’t mean for this chapter to become a travelogue, but let’s just say I had quite a day!
Monday soon rolled around, and with a new day, the meeting that would change my life. I traveled to the plant where Pop Rocks are made. The owners, the Ramons (their first names, really!), greeted me and let me tell them about my idea to make everything pop. Their reaction was bemusement, as they were a candy company, and the idea of using Pop Rocks as an ingredient was new to them. But they thought there was enough of a chance, though, that they decided to let me see what I could do, and made an agreement that was something like a commissioned sales agreement.
I was free to see if I could convince anybody that my idea was a good one. So, off I went back to the US with agreement in hand, ready to conquer the world with an idea no one had ever heard of. Well, my next post, which I promise will come soon, will start us on my big journey—these little popping things have actually landed me in almost 30 countries in all parts of the world. And my travels are also responsible for the birth of Pop'rs! Looking back, I still can hardly believe it. That’s why they call me Mr. Pops!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 167 comments
Labels: Barcelona, Gaudi, Mr. Pops, Pop'rs are born, Sagrada Familia, Travels with Mr. Pops, Uncle Lynn
Monday, February 2, 2009
Veggie Mom~and Pop'rs~Exclusive!
Editor's Note: Before we start Today's Post, I'd like to ask you to help do a Bloggy Friend a favor. Mr. Fairway, Hubz to my friend Melissa B., is a finalist in the 2009 Bloggies. Please Click Here to vote for Mr. Fairway's Golf Blog as Best Sports Blog!
OK, I know...I'm supposed to pay homage to The Great Ground Hog today. Well, I. Just. Can't. Do. It. Especially since I just know that he's gonna see his shadow today and run back in his burrow...which, of course, means Six More Weeks of Winter!
Instead, I'd like to be a little more upbeat, and highlight one of Uncle Lynn's new Pop'rs Pals. In fact, Kathleen, of Katydid and Kid won a recent Pop'rs Giveaway! And yes, that's one of Kathleen's Yogurt Parfaits, with Stawberry Pop'rs on top. Rush on over there Right Now, and ask her for the recipe!
Anyway, Kathleen hosts a Featured Blogger every Friday, and guess who was up last week? Why, Veggie Mom, of course! Click Here to get the full scoop.
Kathleen asked some Probing Pop'rs Questions, and was quite the investigative reporter. So, we wanted to reprint those, along with Veggie's Awesome Answers. Right Here. Right Now. So sit back, relax, and consider yourself entertained!
Kathleen: What is your blog about?
Veggie: It’s about the health of the whole family…as the blog subtitle says, “Food, Family and Fun.” This means everything from eating healthy to the Adventures of The Pop’rs Family. Oh, and I throw in some randomness every so often, to keep it interesting!
Kathleen: Where does your blog title come from?
Veggie: My BIL, Uncle Lynn, asked me to start the blog as a vehicle to get his new seasoning product, Pop’rs, better known. Pop’rs are a fun, healthy way to encourage folks to Eat Their Veggies! Among other things, of course.
Kathleen: When and why did you start your blog?
Veggie: I think I answered part of that with the last question. But I’ve always been interested in writing, and Uncle Lynn asked me what I thought of the proposition of doing a blog that was targeted at family issues. My first post, entitled “Let’s Get Poppin’!” was published June 16, 2008. Eat Your Veggies! sort of evolved from there. After a few tentative posts, I think I found my niche in the Blogosphere. I really don’t know if there are a lot of “hybrid”-type blogs out there like mine. By that I mean that I try to focus on our family, but at the same time I’m trying to get Uncle Lynn and his product, Pop’rs, better known in the blogging community.
Kathleen: What would you like to add to your blog in the next year?
Veggie: I’m looking at redesigning it right now. You know, so I can incorporate more great info without all that cluttered, claustrophobic feeling. I’d love to do a regular interview feature with Uncle Lynn and some of the folks who have tried Pop’rs and really like them.
Kathleen: What are some of your favorite blogs?
Veggie: Oh, gosh, that’s a difficult question to answer! I have to say that Zander and Me, Fractured Toy, If Mom Says OK and Living and Loving Every Minute of It! really speak to me, on different levels. But I love all the bloggers I’ve met so far on this adventure, and hope to meet many more thoughtful people along the way.
Kathleen: What is one of your pet peeves about blogs or bloggers?
Veggie: I really don’t get irritated, except just a tad at the Lurkers out there. If you’re going to go to the trouble of visiting a blog, why not leave at least a little “Hello” to let someone know you’ve been there? It's nice to know that someone’s been paying attention, I guess.
Kathleen: What advice would you have for any new bloggers?
Veggie: I say speak from your heart, and you can’t go wrong. I think folks in the cyber community want to hear honest, from-the-heart dialogue. They love to hear family tales, or silly little stories about office interactions. You don’t have to be all serious all the time and pontificate about Great Things. Just be yourself! Get out there and make friends with other bloggers. These friendships create traffic and the traffic creates a buzz, and before you know it, you’ve taken off, and there’s no looking back!
Kathleen: What is something that people might not know about you?
Veggie: I’m left-handed, I can say the alphabet backwards, and I have a crush on Will Smith. Oh, and I detest lima beans. I don’t even know if Pop’rs could jazz those up enough for me!
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 10 comments
Labels: be real, family matters, Friday Featured Blogger, Kathleen, Katydid and Kid, Pop'rs, Pop'rs Family
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'm Rootin' for the Squirrels in the Big Game Today!
Editor's Note: Before we start Today's Post, I'd like to ask you to help do a Bloggy Friend a favor. Mr. Fairway, Hubz to my friend Melissa B., is a finalist in the 2009 Bloggies. Please Click Here to vote for Mr. Fairway's Golf Blog as Best Sports Blog!
In honor of Game Day, we wanted to share one of our favorite Super Bowl Commercials. Where do the suits at Geico come up with these ideas, anyway? Disclaimer: No annoying, furry rodents were harmed in the making of this commercial.
Seriously, now...who's your pick in Tonight's Big Game? Or are you just going to a Super Bowl Party for the food? Do Faith Hill, Jennifer Hudson and Bruce Springsteen float your boat? What's your favorite Super Bowl Commerical of all time?
Posted by Aunt Julie at 3:01 AM 5 comments
Labels: Annoying furry rodents, Big Game, game day, Geico, Super Bowl Commercials, Super Bowl XLIII