Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Enter Our Giveaway? 'Cause Mummy Says So!

Happy Halloween, Everyone! This shot will come as a Complete Surprise to Aunt Julie, who is pictured above. I think she was still in college when her Mommy wrapped her 'round and 'round like a Mummy for Halloween! Saved this especially for Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish!

Which brins me to our Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway! You only have 24 hours, give or take a minute or two, to enter! Click Here to get started. For Extra Entries, please click Here. And Here. And Here. And Here. And Here. And finally, don't forget to comment on this post, too!

The Giveaway closes at 11:59 tonite. We will be announcing our winners in this space tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Home, Home on the Range, with College Girl and The Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!

Since we featured College Boy as a Cowboy a couple of days ago, thought we'd feature College Girl as his Trusty Range Rover. This, as I recall, was CG's "Texas" Phase. Aunt Julie, butofcourse, put together this lovely ensemble, too! CG is featured here at the elementary school's Halloween Parade, with Anna, who's clearly a 1st-grader, and BFF Megan, who just happens to be wearing another Aunt Julie Creation...the Princess Dress CG had worn the year before!

We've got just two--Count 'Em!--days left in The Great Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway! To get The Giveaway Scoop, Click Here. And Don't Forget to Comment! For Extra Entries, please click Here. And Here. And Here. And, last but not least, Here. Are you exhausted yet? Didn't think so!

Remember...The More You Play, the More we can Make Your Day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Wee Witch, a Pretty Princess, and The Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!

OK, Halloween is just Two. Days. Away. So I had to feature The Wild One and College Girl, posing as a Halloween Witch and in an Aunt Julie Princess Creation! Looks like TWO is soooooooooo tired from all the Festivities that she's propped up against Big Sis. I'm guestimating their ages at about 2 months and 3 years.

We're Super Excited over here about The Great Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway! Hope you are, too!! Remember: Click Here to find out the info. And Here to enter again. And Here. And Here. And, please, comment on This Post, too, so you can get as Many Entries in as Possible!

Haven't seen any Videos from Pop'rs Vets yet. Don't you think it's In the Cards? Please--Don't. Be. Shy. We really want to see how you Get Your Pop'rs On! Click Here, all you Pop'rs Vets, to see the Video Details!

Giveaway closes at 11:59 p.m., Friday, October 31st. That's Halloween, Everyone. So get those entries in...The More the Merrier!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cute Lil' Ol' Punkin, Ain't He?

OK, No One who Knows Him Now will believe this, but this Cute Lil' Ol' Punkin is Shark Boy, Back in the Day. I know, I know...Just Too Precious, huh? Auntie Julie stitched this costume, too, BTW. Found this pic while digging around in the Basement Boxes yesterday. Julie Eliz probably Doesn't. Even. Know. I. Have. It! They do Grow Up, don't they?

Also I've got an Editor's Note for ya, too. The M-I-C-K-E-Y in Yesterday's Post,was not Big Bear, but Soccer Boy! What kind of Aunt am I, anyway? Just to Set the Record Straight.

OK, on to the Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway! Please Click Here to get started. And Here and Here, to add even More Comments, thereby giving you More Entries!

Remember, the contest is open both to Pop'rs Newbies--those who've never tried our delectable, nutritious and delicious seasoning--and to Pop'rs Veterans, too! The Vets, thankyouverymuch, are those who've won a Pop'rs Giveaway before.

Ya, Shore, Youbetcha, as they say in Our Neck O' the Woods! The Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway closes at 11:59 p.m. on Friday. That's Halloween, and you'd rather be Treated than Tricked, right-o?

Monday, October 27, 2008

M-I-C...K-E-Y...M-O-U-S-E, and a Great Giveaway!

Does that song pinpoint my age right on the noggin? Oh, well. I saw this Cute Pic of Big Bear and Friends from Many Moons Ago, and it made me nostalgic for The Mickey Mouse Club, ya know?

If you've been cruising around the Blogosphere the past couple of days, you must know about The Great Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway! We've got 22 Pop'rs Prizes for ya, plus a couple of fun extras!

To get started, please click here. Or here. And definitely comment on this post, too. See, the more you comment, the greater your chances of winning. And How. Great. Is. That?

Remember, the contest is open both to Pop'rs Newbies--those who've never tried our delectable, nutritious and delicious seasoning--and Pop'rs Veterans. The Vets, of course, are those who've won a Pop'rs Giveaway Before. They have to Step It Up A Notch to remain competitive!

So, Let's Go, Everyone! We're waiting for your entries! The Great Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway closes at 11:59 p.m. on Friday. We don't want to be mean, on Halloween!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ghosts, Goblins and Cowboys, Oh, My!

We interrupt This Post to bring you a Special Bulletin. The Packers are not...I repeat, NOT...playing today! So, feel free to carry on, and don't forget to enter our Great News Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!

That's right, Pop'rs Fans. We've got 22--count 'em--prizes and Other Bling to bestow on all you Popr's People out there in Bloggy Land. So, Click Here to see how to get started! And Don't Forget to comment on Today's Post, too! The More we get in the way of Comment Love this week, the Merrier!

We're featuring a pic of College Boy the Cowboy. Back in the Day. Before he moved into an apartment, and all!

A couple of folks had a couple of questions yesterday, so I will answer them, forthwith:

  • One comment per day. You may comment, though, as many days as you'd like, between now and 11:59 p.m., Friday, October 31st. Multiple comments give you mulitiple chances to win!
  • Pop'rs Neophytes just need to comment to be eligible.
  • Pop'rs Veterans are eligible for a Very Special Prize. But ya need to submit a video to win! Please post a video to your site of You and/or Yours Using Pop'rs; please make sure to link to Little Ol' Veggie Mom, and pleasepleaseplease let me know when you've posted Said Video! Many of My Bloggy Friends upload their videos to YouTube, and then post to their blogs from there.
  • Any Questions? Ask Away! But Don't Forget...The Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 31. So get Poppin'!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Spooky Giveaway, With Fun for Everyone!

Pictured above is Soccer Boy, back when The World Was Very Young and Halloween was oh, so fun! He's sporting a homemade costume, stitched--but of course--by the One and Only Aunt Julie! I'm using this pic to introduce the Brand New, All Inclusive, Much-Anticipated Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!

Listen up, all you Ghosts and Goblins. Halloween is on its way, and we have a way everyone can play!

This is a 2-tiered Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway. Here's all ya gotta do:

  • If you're Brand New to Pop'rs--in other words, if you've never won one of Veggie Mom's Pop'rs Giveaways--leave a comment Here. Today. Right Now. Say anything you wanna! No major requirements on this one. And, for every comment you leave on my posts between today through Halloween (that would be 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 31st), you'll Get. One. Entry!
  • If you've already won one of My Giveaways--and there are quite a few of you out there--you're still eligible to enter, but the stakes are slightly higher. Grab some of your Pop'rs Prizes, sprinkle 'em on something edible, and make a short (2 minutes or less) video of your kids and/or other family members eating the Pop'rs-infused goodies. Or, you can have your family members do what Marla's kids do, and have 'em eat those delicious Pop'rs straight from the container! Post that video on your site, and then post a comment here at Eat Your Veggies! between now and the giveaway deadline (11:59 p.m., Friday, October 31). Every video gets TEN entries in the Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!

So, What Do Ya Win? We knew you'd ask that question!

  • 10 Pop'rs Neophytes--those who've never won a Popr's Giveaway--will win their choice of two Pop'rs flavors. Remember, Pop'rs are that Oh, So Good For You Seasoning, which encourages kids and everyone else on the planet to Eat Their Veggies!
  • One Pop'rs Neophyte will be chosen as our Grand Prize Winner. You'll win a box with All. Eight. Flavors!
  • 10 of you Pop'rs Veterans who enter the Giveaway with a video submission get to pick your choice of two Pop'rs flavors, plus you win an Eat Your Veggies! T-shirt for each and every one of your family members!
  • One Pop'rs Veteran will also be chosen as our Grand Prize Winner. That means you'll win a box with All. Eight. Flavors of this healthy, fun and wonderful product! Plus, you get cool Eat Your Veggies! T-shirts for each and every one of your family members!

We know there are some Future Stars out there, so Get Crackin! We Can't Wait to see the Tricks you're gonna give us for Our Treats!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Does it Bug You?

Mark and Jan, the owners of the Alpacas down in Southwestern Wisconsin, got married last weekend. Aunt Julie, Uncle Lynn and The Pop'rs Cousins were in attendance. Here's Julie Eliz's Report:

"Not even an infestation of Asian Beetles could dampen the mood," Julie says. "I was stressed about the bugs falling into the chocolate fountain, but the Relaxed Bride said, 'People pay a lot of money for chocolate-coated bugs.' So we put an umbrella over the fountain."

A lovely time was had by all. Speaking of which, you'll have a blast your own self if you Play Along With Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish! I'm certainly glad I did!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Say Cheese!

Aunt Julie's cousin, Jim, lives in Norway with his family. He's originally from Wisconsin, but has taught school back in The Old Country for years. Jim recently came back home for a visit, and stayed at The Pop'rs Family's house.

To thank Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn for their hospitality, Jim sent them an Authentic Norwegian Osthyvel--or "cheese plane," for you non-Norwegian neophytes. Julie Eliz took this "arty" pic, natch!

Aunt Julie and Moker--my Hubs--grew up with an Osthyvel in their house. No Proud Scandinavian living in the Upper Midwest would dare be without one! But Cousin Jim said Julie's wasn't authentic enough. So he sent her the Real Deal.

"Jim said that our grandfather Borger, who was a carpenter, would have used a 'hyvel' to plane wood," Julie Eliz explains. "And 'ost' is Norwegian for 'cheese'. We Norwegians certainly have a knack for creations of enduring beauty and simplicity, don't we?

Read this fascinating post on the blog Clivia's Cuisine about this marvelous Norwegian invention! Who knew?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ratchet Lands Stateside

Ratchet, the 6-month-old Baghdad puppy who almost Met His Maker in Iraq because of Silly Army Rules, landed in DC, of all places, Monday afternoon.

As you may recall, Sgt. Gwen Beberg of Minneapolis adopted Ratchet while stationed in Iraq. She wanted to fly the pup home, but the Army, at first, said "No." Something about soldiers not being able to have "pets" while serving their country.

An organization called Operation Baghdad Pups marshalled the forces of animal-lovers worldwide, collecting more than 67,000 online signatures (including Yours Truly!) on an online petition, which caused the Army to change its bureaucratic mind. The puppy was on a flight to DC two days ago. From there he was headed to the Twin Cities, where Sgt. Beberg's Mom will take care of Ratchet until his own Mommy comes home. Thanks to Z's Mom for alerting us to this important issue, and keeping us posted on Ratchet's progress, and thanks to all our Bloggy Friends for getting involved.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pop'rs Grab-Bag

!*Pop'rs Giveaway Alert*!
A little bird told moi that you should start looking for a Great New Pop'rs Giveaway sometime around Saturday, the 25th. It's Getting to Look a lot Like Halloween around here, so Uncle Lynn and I thought a Ghosts and Goblins theme would be divine! Make sure to tune in Saturday, and join in the fun!

Record Numbers Enter for Pop'rs!
Amanda recently had a Pop'rs Giveaway herself. And Guess What? She had a record 113 entries! Yes, yes, I know...some of you have 800 Gazillion Million Trillion entries in your contests...More than the National Debt and the Deficit combined! But we're talking Uncle Lynn's tiny little family-owned company here. We're super-excited, and can't wait to congratulate the winner!

Well, Kiss My Grits!
Lula, the Commander-in-Chief of Lulaville, is a previous Pop'rs Giveaway Winner. She left me the cutest little ol' comment yesterday. "Thought of you today...put butter-flavored Pop'rs in my grits. YUMMY!" See, It Takes a Village to market Pop'rs. We up here in Northeastern Wisconsin need to pay more attention to our clientele South of the Mason-Dixon Line!

Thanks for the Compliments!
Cute Karla, The Lovely Mannequin and I must have a Mutual Admiration Society goin' on here in Cyberland. We've been Trading Sugar, as My Nana used to say, for a good long while now. Karla (known to you Super-Bloggers as "Z's Mom") and Mannequin, however, put the Icing on the Cake with these Quite Comfortable Comments, which I had no trouble at all trying on for size: "You never seem to be at a loss for something to say," gushes Karla. "And I love hearing about the POP'rs Family!" "There is NO ONE quite like you!" Mannequin pronounces. "You come up with the most creative topics!" Both these Great Gals are Previous Pop'rs Giveaway Winners, but I didn't pay 'em to say this...I promise!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ring in the Bling...Day 2!

Veggie Mom is just overwhelmed by the Outpouring of Bloggy Love the last couple of days!

We received this lovely Bit o' Bling from both Ritch in Love and Kally at A Little Bit of Life on the Side. It comes with a little ol' *meme*, too, as well as instructions to Pass the Bloggy Love Along. Which we will do, forthwith! First, I'm sposed to tell ya "What Makes Me Happy." Or, rather, 6 Things That Make Me Happy.

  1. Snow days! When school is cancelled due to inclement weather, it's Just a Gift From God.
  2. When the Army changes its mind about a Dog Like Ratchet. He could be home by next week!
  3. Having wonderful In-Laws like Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn.
  4. Hearing that my kids are doing swimmingly at college; and that they don't need as much "prodding" to get things accomplished as they used to.
  5. When the Packers win. Especially when that win includes a 99-yard interception return for a touchdown!
  6. My family's Good Health. And mine, too, of course!

There you have it! And now I'm gonna pass this Beautiful Bit o' Bloggy Bling along to five Kreativ Bloggers. Here goes!

  1. Holding Patterns. Sandi is both Thoughtful and Creative!
  2. Memoirs of a Chaotic Mommy. Angela's an Advocate. You Go, Girl!
  3. Deanna's Corner. Deanna's blog header says it best: "I can be anything I want to be!"
  4. Expectantly Waiting. I lost Breanne, but she came back. Turns out I had the wrong link. We're back on the same wavelength now!
  5. Adiel. This Gal has Class! She redefines the meaning of Creativity, with a Capital "C."

So, Gal Pals, Share the Wealth! Please pass The Kreativ Blogger Award on to five more Bloggy Friends. You'll be glad you did!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bling-Bling Went the Strings of My Heart

My long-time Bloggy Friend, Melissa B., honored me yesterday with a Very Special Award. She created The Superior Scribbler Award to commemorate her 200th Post over at The Scholastic Scribe. This is what she said about little ol' Veggie Mom: "She's walking that Delicate Tightrope between Personal & Public. She helps promote her BIL's Fun Company, while making sure everyone knows that Her Family Comes First. There's absolutely No Other Blog like hers Out There. And who ever heard of Goats Grazing on a Roof before she wrote about them? Here's to being One-of-a-Kind!"

Why thanks so much, Melissa B.! And now I have the responsibility of passing this Bit o' Bling along to five very deserving Bloggy Souls. But first, The Rules, as stipulated by the Award's Creator:

  1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit This Post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

And now for the Hard Part. Veggie Mom hereby confers The Superior Scribbler Award upon The Following Bloggy Phenoms:

  1. Texas Word Tangle. I don't know how Rhea does it, but she does a great job! Her eclectic collection of thoughts, words and deeds is one of the most interesting reads in Cyberspace!
  2. Zander & Me. Z's Mom, Karla, is just amazing! And her dissertations on Zander, Life, Politics and Pop'rs (yes, she's a Pop'rs Pal!) are amazing, too!
  3. My Cup 2 Yours. I don't get over to see Genny as much as I should, but you all need to stop by to see her. This Gal Can Write, is all I'm sayin'...
  4. One Krazy Kat Lady. Well, besides the Awesome Alliteration in the title of her blog, Marrdy is a sweetheart with a lot on her mind. Her recent post about her friend's son returning from Iraq is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming! And if you can't tell, Marrdy's a Cat Woman--and Extra Plus!
  5. Fractured Toy. Ah, the Lovely Mannequin. She runs Giveaways Galore! She Rants! She Raves! Her Cryptic Comments will leave you in stitches if they don't leave you in tears! What's not to love?

Enjoy your Bling, ladies! It's been a pleasure, I'm sure!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana?

The tag line of an old "Knock, Knock" joke. The real purpose of this post is two-fold.

First off, there's a Banana Shortage in Japan. In the past few months, banana sales have risen 70 percent in the Land of the Rising Sun due to The Morning Banana Diet, a weight loss craze that requires eating bananas for breakfast along with a glass of room- temperature water.

A Dole rep says he’s never witnessed such banana-mania. “People in Japan are rushing to the market to get their bananas before noon every day because after that, they’re all gone. The demand is crazy.”

Now to the actual Banana Morning Diet. Veggie Mom is not following this regimen, but is nevertheless fascinated by it:
  • Eat a banana for breakfast. Eat more than one, if you're still hungry. Eat only raw, uncooked, unfrozen fruit.
  • Eat anything you wish (including fried foods), as long as you're done with dinner by 8 p.m.
  • Really pay attention to your food's texture and taste as you chew.
  • No sweets before or after your meals. You may have a sweet snack (cookies, chocolate) around 3 p.m. Avoid ice cream, donuts and chips.
  • You may eat fresh fruit for your snack, but if you really want a legit sweet, go ahead and go for it.
  • Drink only room-temperature water. Mineral or filtered water are the best. Drink water in small sips, and never use it to wash down food.
  • Go to bed by midnight each night.
  • Don't put pressure on yourself to exercise. Exercise only if you want to.
  • Keep a diet journal. Document your weight loss and eating habits. Follow Reina's Blog as an example.

Friday, October 17, 2008

F x 4: Run for It!

Another fanTAbulous Aunt Julie Shot for ya! Cross Country Season ended this week for Soccer Boy. He ran on the middle-school team with other members of his soccer squad. They all improved quite a bit. Now he can return to the Sport. He. Loves.

Be sure to Check Out Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish. You'll be Glad. You. Did!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Other Debate is Much More Heated!

While most of you were watching The Great Debate last night, a Debate of Another Color--actually, two colors, Green and Gold--was going on the Northeastern Wisconsin.

Time Warner Cable subscribers trying to tune in to the Green Bay Packers on the local Fox affiliate have been left in the dark. A dispute between the Green Bay TV station and Time Warner left 150,000 people without their Beloved Packers. Something about money. Isn't it always about money?

The cable company has been handing out free antennas to customers like Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn. "Lots of drama here!" Aunt Julie says. "Time Warner actually is providing customers with free antennas, and has provided free hors d'œuvres at several local bars during last week's game, for fans who were forced to watch at a place other than home."

Julie Eliz says fans are pretty steamed. College Girl went over to a frat to watch the game. The Wild One, who was feeling under the weather, tried to listen to the game on the radio, but kept falling asleep. So she hit the hay early, instead. Anger and disappointment abound.

What's a Girl Gonna Do Without Her Packers?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wrap-up Wednesday

Help Save Ratchet!

I first heard about the Campaign to Save Ratchet from Z's Mom. Sgt. Gwen Beberg befriended puppy Ratchet while serving in Iraq, and sent regular dispatches to her home in Minneapolis charting the dog's process, with hundreds of fans tuning in on Facebook to follow the pup's life. But the US Army takes a strict line on soldiers befriending animals, and confiscated Ratchet just as Sgt. Beberg was getting ready to fly home last weekend. To keep Ratchet with his new "Mommy" and allow him to live (the military usually executes pets found under these circumstances), please Sign the Petition to Save Ratchet. Also, please consider donating to Operation Baghdad Pups, which tries to rescue animals such as Ratchet.

Amanda's Hosting a Pop'rs Giveaway!
Today's the last day for Amanda's Pop'rs Giveaway! One winner will win a Box of Pop'rs, containing eight delicious flavors of this oh-so-good-for-you-seasoning! Try Buffalo on chicken!Chocolate in milk! Raspberry on cereal! Butter on potatoes! Strawberry on ice cream! Taco on cut corn!Color Burst in yogurt! Cinnamon on applesauce! Pop'rs are the Healthy Way to encourage you and yours to Eat Your Veggies!The Secret IS in the Sauce!
Thanks so much to Heather and Tiffany, who are the Head Honchos over at The Secret is in the Sauce. SITS hosted a day-long Blogathon yesterday, with lots and lots of Awesome Prizes. No word yet on whether Veggie Mom's a Winner, but let the chips fall as they may--we still had loads and loads of fun! Thanks, thanks and More Thanks to those of you who stopped by yesterday to Share the Comment Love!

Lizzy for President!
Remember, everyone--Hot Tub Lizzy is Running for President! Support The Plaid Party and check out Lizzy's Latest Interview today with Melissa B., The Scholastic Scribe. Talk about a Hoot-and-a-Half!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

OK, SITStas! Time to Share the Comment Love!!

Today's Secret is in the Sauce Blogathon got underway at Midnight, and Heather and Tiffany--those Hostesses with the Mostesses--are going full speed ahead 24/7 today. They're out to prove that SITS--their site that Encourages Comment Love and Blog Support--is where it's at!

Veggie Mom her own self can attest to that very fact. Over the past few months, SITS has promoted my Pop'rs Giveaways (another one's coming up for Halloween, so stay tuned!) several times, and helped Aunt Julie plug her Recipe Week in September. SITS also helped me Celebrate My Bloggy Centennial a few weeks ago. I was a SITS Featured Blogger last Monday, and I'm still getting comments from that post. More than 100 Bloggers have Shared the Comment Love about those darned Goats on the Roof, and they're still comin' in--that's some powerful Comment Love, SITStas!

Heather and Tiffany started SITS back in June. It's a kind of Bloggy Clearing House for all kinds of info, including Recipes, Blogging Tips, Giveaways, Saucy Blogs, and a whole lotta other stuff that's impossible to mention...the List and the Love keep changing all the time!

So, who have I met on this Ultra-Cool, Très Chic (that's for Heather--she says "everything sounds fancier in French"), Uber-Happenin' Bloggy Rest Stop on the Information Super-Highway? All kinds of friends, is my answer! But the SITS gals wanted me to limit my list to five for this post, so here goes:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Field Trip!

About a month ago, I mentioned that Moker and I are Empty Nesters. We've definitely turned a different kinda corner in our lives together.

The house is silent--or, at least more s0 than it has been in years. We get to watch the TV where we want--and there's hardly ever an argument about which channel to switch to. We've had salmon more than once in a long, long while in recent weeks. And we never hear the Pitter-Patter of Little Feet ever--unless it's one cat chasing the other around in circles. No midnight calls, no Shrieking Mee-Mees, fussing over clothes, the car, or Who Has to Empty the Dishwasher Today.

That said, we do miss College Girl and The Wild One. CG is finishing up her last year at Larry U. in Appleton, Wisconsin. TWO is a little froshie at the same venue. We hear good news from the Freshman Front. TWO's made a lot of friends, and is challenged enough by schoolwork that she spent most of Thursday in the library studying for an Art History test. Good for her!

And their Parents? The Parentals are getting to know each other again. Last weekend, Moker suggested a Field Trip. I had to pause for a moment to figure out if I had time to get away. Did I have to take anyone to practice? Nope. Did I have to pick up anyone from work? Negatory. Did I have to fold someone's laundry, feed someone's cat, yell at someone to make the bed or clean up the bathroom? A Definite No. So, yes, I was free to get away. And intrigued, as well.

Back When the World was Very Young, we used to go over to Maryland's Eastern Shore to eat steamed crabs. There's a cute-as-a-bug Chesapeake Bay burg named St. Michael's, which is home to 19th-century houses, oystermen, antique and craft stores and a fab seafood place called The Crab Claw.

Moker and I headed out to St. Michael's. We ate crabs. We watched the ducks act all goofy in the inlet by the restaurant, as ducks are wont to do. We strolled around town, remarked on the variety of boats pulled up at the dock and sat on a bench on the main drag, eating ice cream cones. We took our time, and got to know each other again.

We love the girls. We really do. But I suspect we're going to love our time apart from them, as well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Farewell to an Old Friend

It's a sad day today for all the Pop'rs Family, especially Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn. Our Old Friend Trouble passed away Saturday.

Those of you who follow us regularly are familiar with Trouble, aka Trouble Elizabeth, aka Captain Underpants. He became a member of the family as a puppy. He lived to the Ripe Old Age of 16. We're gonna miss him!

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true,
to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
~Ode to a Dog, Author Unknown~

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ants in My Pants. Almost!

It's that time o' year again, folks. The weather starts to turn cold, then it warms back up again, then thinks it might be cool for awhile. Pretty schizophrenic, if ya ask me! Which makes All God's Critters that way, too.

This fall, we have a particular problem with Ants. Of the teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, infintessimal variety.

Nana used to call them Sugar Ants. Dette told us to put paprika out, or maybe Boric Acid, and they'd run away for sure. There are never too many at a time. Two. Three. Sometimes upwards of Eight. They annoy me no end!

Hubby sprays the counter with 409, and they're gone--at least for the day. I, well, I stick the old Index Finger out and smush the little buggers, One. At. A. Time!

I'm really not a cruel person. But this Cruel Stroke of nature drives me nuts!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Nice Hair!

Alpacas are cool,
They have really warm wool,
Their favorite treat is grain,
But they don't like the rain,
They make a weird sound,
When something bad is going around,
They're so cute and cuddly,
Just like a baby puppy,
I love alpacas,
They are really cool.
~Cassandra (age 12)~

Borrowed from a site dedicated to Children's Poems About Alpacas. Another one of Aunt Julie's photos from Mark & Jan's place in Southwestern Wisconsin. You may recall the recent post that featured Mark and one of his Alpaca Buddies down on the farm. Or last Friday's F x 4 pic, of Big Bear and his Wooly Friend.

Speaking of Candid Carrie, we're part of her Friday Foto Fiesta Finish. Come along and join the fun!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

White House=Pink House

Congrats to First Lady Laura Bush, who illuminated the White House in a Pink Glow Tuesday night in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Facts you should know:

  • Congress designated October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1985.
  • The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month program, administered by the American Cancer Society, is dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of the early detection.
  • Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer in women and the second most common cause of cancer death in women in the U.S.
  • The ACS says that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
  • Recent heightened awareness of breast cancer risk has led to an increase in the number of women undergoing screening, leading to detection of cancers in earlier stages and an improval in survival rates.
  • The ACS recommends that all women aged 40 and over should be screened for breast cancer every year.
  • The ACS also recommends monthly self-examinations as a helpful deterrent.
  • Men can get breast cancer. The disease is responsible for about 1 percent of cancer deaths in men.
  • If someone in your family has or had breast cancer, you may be at higher risk of getting the disease yourself.
  • Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists focusing on the Breast Cancer Fight. Visit their site to learn more.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Boy and His Dog

This is College Boy, Aunt Julie and Uncle Lynn's Number 3 Son, and Trouble Elizabeth. Both these boys, as you can see, are mere puppies in this pix. College Boy will turn 21 in three months; Trouble Eliz celebrated a birthday milestone a couple months back.

Of course, you Near and Dear Readers know all about Trouble, and why he received the moniker "Elizabeth" as part of his given name. You've also read about him here. And, of course, you've all followed the College Boy Chronicles here. And here. And, naturally, here. We're Not. Quite. Sure if Aunt Julie has yet forgiven him for that little caper!

They Sure Do Grow Up Fast, don't they? And if CB is Almost 21, what does that make us? I'm just sayin'...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And the Hits Just Keep on Comin'...

Thanks so much again to Tiffany and Heather over at The Secret is in the Sauce...I'll be getting back to all of you SITStas who left such lovely messages of support at My Place Yesterday. Hope you found something you loved over here, and that you all will be back again soon!
If ya wanna know more about the Goats on the Roof from yesterday's post, click here. Al Johnson, who calls himself "chief cook and bottle-washer," says there are 5-7 goats on the roof of his restaurant in Sister Bay, Wisconsin, from May through October. Al has names for the goats and everything! He says he put his first goat, Oscar, on the roof in 1973.
Thanks also to Amanda, who runs a blog that features Giveaways and lots of other Really Cool Stuff. She's hosting a Pop'rs Giveaway over at her place. Yes, Dear Friends, another Great Opportunity to win some Pop'rs, that Good-For-You and Fun seasoning that really encourages everyone to Eat Their Veggies! Amanda's Pop'rs Giveaway ends October 15, so get crackin!
Also, please check out Melissa B's interview with Hot Tub Lizzy over at The Scholastic Scribe. This is the third Tuesday that Melissa B. has hosted Lizzy, in a Presidential Forum of sorts. Melissa and Lizzy intend to continue this "dialogue," if that's what you wanna call it, until Election Day. Many of you already know that Lizzy, a Blogger Par Excellence, is running for Prez as a member of The Plaid Party. Funny Stuff!
Finally, can't get away without leaving you with another of Aunt Julie's Priceless Photos! As you may recall, Julie Eliz shot that Perfectly HighLARious Pic of Big Bear and the Alpaca for Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish. Well, we've got yet another sweet Aunt Julie shot for ya today. This is Mark, one of the owners of the 10 Alpacas out in Southwestern Wisconsin, gettin' a little Critter Love down on the farm. Mark and his wife, Jan, are teachers who raise Alpacas on the side. Alpaca wool, apparently, makes really Soft and Comfy Sweaters. Gotta bundle up--the Wisconsin Winter is almost upon us!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome, SITStas! Don't Let This Photo Get Your Goat!

Don't have to tell ya, Bloggy Friends, that I almost fell outta my chair when Heather asked if little ol' Veggie Mom would like to be the Featured Blogger today. Would I? As we say in the Upper Midwest, You Betcha!

Aunt Julie, natch, snapped this photo of Uncle Lynn and the boys, marveling at the goats on the roof at Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant & Butik in Sister Bay. This is a classic Door County, Wisconsin shot. BTW, a "butik" is pronounced sorta like "boutique," and, I'm told, means "gift shop" in Swedish. Stop by sometime for Swedish Meatballs or Swedish Pancakes--both delish!

For now, come on in, and make yourself comfy; we've cooked up some of our best dishes from Aunt Julie's Recipe Week, just for you! We were a tad sad, ya know, 'cause our Beloved Green Bay Packers got nipped by those nasty Atlanta Falcons on Sunday, but you SITStas have cheered us right up. Brett the Jet was idle yesterday; we'll have to catch up with him next weekend.

So, settle in and have a look around; and please do let us know what ya think! We're So Glad You're Here. And, don't forget to Eat Your Veggies!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Will Rock You!

Appropriated from Tara R. over at If Mom Says OK, I've been double-dared to tell you how much I Rock. Tara received her challenge from Jen at Huckdoll's Hood, who in turn faced the challenge when Kelley at MagnetoBoldToo threw down the gauntlet. You, too, are invited to Play Along. This challenge is Open to Everyone in the Bloggy Universe. So, be Loud and Proud, and tell everyone Why You Rock!

10. I totally Rock because I started blogging in June and have surpassed the 10,0000th Hit and 100th Post mark, just short of four months out.
9. I'm an awesome Rocker because I can say the alphabet backwards. In my younger years, I could sing it backwards, too!
8. I live to Rock because I have an Awesome SIL and an Awesome BIL, who make an Awesome Product!
7. I love to Rock because I've finally figured out the Key to Gorgeous Geraniums!
6. I know I Rock because I believe that All God's Critters need a second chance!
5. I recently Rocked by Running a Downright Inspired Bloggy Giveaway!
4. I'm beloved for Rocking because Allie, Channah, Dawn, Mrs. 4444, Nik, Tracy, and Vicki are Very Happy Campers!
3. I will always Rock because Moker is in My Corner as The. Best. Hubz. Ever!
2. I Rock 24/7 because I'm blessed with two Independent Children who Still Love Their Mommy!
1. I'm Rockin' right now, because I'm an Empty Nester. Are ya jealous yet?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Congratulations to Our Pop'rs Giveaway Grand Prize Winner!

Congrats to the Lovely Dawn, who holds forth at Dawn's Place. Selected by Uncle Lynn in a Random Drawing, Dawn is the Grand Prize Winner of our Great New Pop'rs Giveaway. And what does she win? Why, a Complete Box Full O' Pop'rs, which come in Eight Fab Flavors!

Dawn and her family get to try Pop’rs, that tasty and fun seasoning that really encourages everyone to Eat Their Veggies! Pop’rs add great flavor, and fun, to just about any kind of food, from applesauce to broccoli--all the way through the alphabet, to yogurt and beyond.

So, Dawn Darlin', e-mail your Ole Bloggy Buddy Veggie Mom with your info, and we can get Uncle Lynn crackin' on sending that Box O' Pop'rs your way!

And now, Gentle Readers, another Tribute to the Season:

Autumn Song
Now's the time when children's noses
All become as red as roses
And the colour of their faces
Makes me think of orchard places
Where the juicy apples grow,
And tomatoes in a row.
And to-day the hardened sinner
Never could be late for dinner,
But will jump up to the table
Just as soon as he is able,
Ask for three times hot roast mutton--
Oh! the shocking little glutton.
Come then, find your ball and racket,
Pop into your winter jacket,
With the lovely bear-skin lining.
While the sun is brightly shining,
Let us run and play together
And just love the autumn weather.
~Katherine Mansfield~